Arthur William John Wailes (born 1891) and
Bertha Sampson

Arthur William John Wailes was born October 12, 1891. He married Bertha Sampson.

Their family

Arthur and William had two children

Esma Beryl Wailes was born December 13, 1917 in Five Dock, NSW, Australia. She married Arthur Raymond Bowmaker (born December 21, 1913) on August 31, 1940. They had three sons, Graham Arthur Bowmaker, Alan Raymond Bowmaker and Geoffrey William Bowmaker.

Fred Wailes


Right A portrait of Arthur William John Wailes (sitting) with his best man (Wilfred) at his wedding.

Arthur was a housepainter and they had a big house in Abbotsford. He had a great big shed out the back which contained a lot of paint-mixing equipment as well as a workshop with a lot of mechanical and electrical hobby equipment. This shed joined up with their neighbour's equally large shed which was also used as a workshop, and the two were connected by a door. The neighbour, Mr Ted Pike, built a big brass microscope there, which Arthur's grandson Graham ended up having, and it still worked. Arthur also had an interest in science (radios and electricity) and he had quite a few books on these subjects which Graham used to look through with interest.

Arthur had a big ute for doing his paint jobs, which had to be cranked up at the front, then Arther would have to run around to the driver's side and turn a handle to pump the petrol through and start the engine. If that didn't work, he'd have to go back and crank the front, and then try the handle again. It always seemed to need a few attempts at this before the engine finally started!

Arthur was also keen on fishing, and he used to go down to "Hen and Chicken Bay" (off the Paramatta River) every so often. He knew someone down there with a boat so he could go out fishing.

Arthur and Bertha's grandchildren (Graham, Alan and Geoff) used to stay overnight (or longer) at their house quite often when their daughter Esma travelled for work with her husband Ray. Her grandchildren recall that Bertha always bought Walt Disney comics and stored them in her linen cupboard. Whenever the children came around they'd rush to the cupboard and always found the latest comics in there.

The grandchildren loved going to their grandparents house, as it was interesting for them, with the workshop outside etc.

Left Photos taken of Arthur and Bertha in their later years.