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Hi Bogeyi and Paula :o)


Hope your boys are well today, and all well with you and the rest of your families too :o) Still thinking of you heaps xoxoxoxoxo

soniat-d (153 )    1:49 pm, 3 Aug




Any new of Ryan today so far??? I've been


thinking of you and sending just quiet, but positive vibes your way young man.....

joystik (285 )    1:50 pm, 3 Aug




That is intersting Joystik!


Funny thing is my sensitive parts are on my left side, not my right! I had pre-decay evident before chemo along my gumlines, and was given fancy pastes to soak the teeth in (I have teeth moulds) and muth rinses etc etc and used them about a dozens times through the whole chemo period (supposed to be like every second day LOL). So its my own fault! I just felt so lousy I didn't feel at all like having that tooth paste swilling around in my mouth, was worried it would make me throw up! Will be paying the price on Tuesday!

soniat-d (153 )    1:53 pm, 3 Aug




What you up to Paula??? Bogged in to heaps


of boring old school work with Josh I suppose....nah just joking. I know you are a busy wee thing over there on the farm. Any babies yet??

joystik (285 )    1:53 pm, 3 Aug




Oh to answer your hair loss question Joystik


Lucky you! No I lost pretty much all of mine everywhere! Armpits still hair free (yay!) rest is back except maybe eyelashes, the new lashes (I lost them all) are still too short to do much with, so eyeliner is still my best friend ;o) Eyebrows coming back well. I was totally bald on head by third chemo I'm pretty sure. But then I did do that parcel tape thing LOL

soniat-d (153 )    1:57 pm, 3 Aug




And its so expensive. I had part of an amalgam


filling fall out in my diner a couple of weeks ago so went in to have it fixed last week. He repaired it with white composite stuff, and it looks and feels great. I was in the chair a total of 10 minutes probably, and he didnt check anything else, and cost $140.00 Good hourly rate aye. You teeth look lovely in your pics. Mine are awful, quite close together so I have that decay round the edges, which has been filled and replaced many times. I will have to do something more permanent some time I guess....

joystik (285 )    1:57 pm, 3 Aug




OK sorry everyone I've missed


HAVE to go do stuff, gotta collect Lydia in 40 mins... bye for now :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:58 pm, 3 Aug




I had to cut about 2 inches off my hair all over


couple of days ago, and its still probably about 1 - 2 inches long, whats left of it. I probably have a 20% coverage, and its growing still, because I notices it was longer than the wig at the back, hence the hair cut! Underarms need wax or roundup! Legs need shaving but I have just kept waiting for it to go voluntarily! And No Brazilian for me ladies.....well not yet!! Right, I'm off for a bike ride.....see you again soon...

joystik (285 )    2:01 pm, 3 Aug




Yeah I had Dentists dream teeth for years


(they used to go WOW when I opened my mouth and asked what I did to keep them so good LOL) Then one day... think it was around the time I got pregnant actually, teeth started breaking down a bit, got a few fillings (the expensive white kind) and then just before chemo - yikes! Yep my teeth look pretty good, but a few off them are really rough and porous now down the sides, feel terrible... I'm doing the paste thing every day now, but think its too late!

soniat-d (153 )    2:01 pm, 3 Aug




Whadya know Joystick


The lump is small again - enough to drive me mad! (I feel them way too many times a day now - bad habit! OK see you all later xoxoxo

soniat-d (153 )    2:03 pm, 3 Aug




How strong a dose of chemo are you having


Joystik? Any possibility of increasing it, given you're tolerating it so well? Hey, everyone is so different, my hair fell out with the AC, grew back with the Taxotere.... I met women who had the exact opposite! So I wouldn't worry - just enjoy! (The head hair I mean LOL) I actually miss my brizilian, that was fun :o)

soniat-d (153 )    2:06 pm, 3 Aug




Hi everyone


Joshi did some school work this morning but I didnt push it he looks terrible. I put a photo on his website, I think its tiredness a lot of it. Josh is having a bit of trouble withhis teeth - will have to get him seen to soon I think. Just bought the girls back to our farm now so its count down till the bubbas start coming. Then I will be awol from here. We keep crossing things off like thats the last time well be doing that. 10 months will fly. Actually going to look at a property in Wyndham tomorrow. Sonia you are good about getting your body sorted. Teeth, Back , Eyes - thats great. How many sleeps till you head away???

paulaxx (78 )    2:58 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Joystik


Bit of a gloomy day - enjoy your bike ride. HUh you could of ridden faster if you'd had a brazilian... ;o)

paulaxx (78 )    2:59 pm, 3 Aug






Hope you are all having a restful day after yesterday - thinking of you heaps xoxo

paulaxx (78 )    3:00 pm, 3 Aug




pppaaauuulllaaa hhheeelllooooooooooooo


i am here, we are good ryans good hes telling me he wants a trumpet ice cream so looks like i will be going for a walk.

bogeyi (484 )    3:21 pm, 3 Aug




Hey Bogeyi


That's great that he feels like icecream :o)

soniat-d (153 )    3:48 pm, 3 Aug




Hi bogeyi


Yummm - thats good news, hope your legs arent too achey tonight. Give Ryan our love, Josh has been asking me about him all day. Love to you all

paulaxx (78 )    4:01 pm, 3 Aug




Sonia, I am having the maximum dose of FEC


that I can have for my weight and height. I'm sure its the supplements that have knocked the side effects back so hard.

joystik (285 )    4:06 pm, 3 Aug




Glad the lump is small today. Do you think you


are feeling it in different positions, therefore making it feel bigger sometimes and smaller other times?? I only hope one day you go to feel it and it has gone completely. I cant feel anything at all along my scar lines. The cancer side is much more raised than the other side, but I wonder if thats to do with the Lymph nodes being removed?

joystik (285 )    4:10 pm, 3 Aug




Bogeyi, Ryan mist be feeling ok then to be asking


for Ice cream. I got so sick of ice cream in the hospital. Dont think I'm really an ice cream sort of a gal! But, just love their jelly. When I was on free fluids, I got 3 different colours of jelly for one meal....almost like christmas. Their jelly has such a lovely strong flavour. I'm so pleased for you that things are going ok. Been thinking of you lots Bogeyi.....

joystik (285 )    4:13 pm, 3 Aug






I am glad the lumps are smaller again today too. I just have to share this with you - Josh and I were just checking out his website and I showed him that 891 visitors had been to it an I said oooohhhh look nearly 900 hun, he said OOOHHHH ANOTHER HUNDY!!! I just thought it was so cute. Made me think of you. xoxoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    4:15 pm, 3 Aug




Gee Paula, 10 months is no time is it? Hope


you enjoy looking at your farm in Wyndham tomorrow, and hopefully it will be a nice sunny day too. How big is it?? Got a nice Home on it too?? Will be looking forward to hearing all about it after you have been. I have been keeping my ear to the ground out here for you too but nothing really concrete at the moment. Dont make that poor boy do too much homework will you. Tell you what, send it to me and I will do it and send it back to the school. ha ha ha.....

joystik (285 )    4:17 pm, 3 Aug






No I dont push him. I only get him to do a bit when he is feeling up to it. Today he wanted to do a wee bit but tomorrow he wont do any. School have only sent home some cool sheets they are working on to make Josh feel included which is wonderful. We do it together anyway. So not a strain on him. Looking forward to seeing the farm tomorrow, 100 acres I think??? Tell u more when I can xo

paulaxx (78 )    5:29 pm, 3 Aug




bumping cause i feel like



bogeyi (484 )    5:40 pm, 3 Aug




bumping this thread


for you all too

cheekyone (8 )    7:10 pm, 3 Aug




Everyone is getting there dinner..........


.....or watching Coro.......

joystik (285 )    7:33 pm, 3 Aug




Ad break Joystik!


Evening everyone.Hope you have all had a good day.

maewest (79 )    7:59 pm, 3 Aug




Then the phone rang and I missed the action.......


but just saw Nathan get his 'just desserts' ha ha ha......

joystik (285 )    8:12 pm, 3 Aug




You have a nice time with your new friends....


Maewest? Obviously your work didn't intercept your day off again!!

joystik (285 )    8:13 pm, 3 Aug




Golly! Its quiet tonight!


Just got back from Lydia's parent-teacher interview. She's doing very well, ahead of her age skill-wise, well behaved, super polite etc. She is over-sensitive and unsure friends-wise, lacks confidence. All things we knew... she's just sensitive to whats going on with me and its affecting her. Will work on inviting her friends around to play again, see if that helps. Should do ;o) OK gotta go put her to bed, have a good evening all :o)

soniat-d (153 )    8:19 pm, 3 Aug




I had a lovely afternoon


thanks. It's strange, we have all only known each other for a few months yet it feels like a lifetime. It's great. Bit like on here really. Hehe no call from work today thank goodness. Back there at 7am tomorrow!

maewest (79 )    8:24 pm, 3 Aug




Sonia, I knew she woud be really good..........


but you can tell by things you say about her that she has a sensitive nature. She's beautiful Sonia and so is Emily......You must be very proud.

joystik (285 )    8:24 pm, 3 Aug




Sonia you will be so proud


of Lydia. She sounds a beautiful little girl. She will have all sorts of things going through her little head. And you are a wonderful Mum. (((HUGS)))

maewest (79 )    8:25 pm, 3 Aug




I sure am Joystik :o)


Considering all they have witnessed me go through, and the things other adults say in front of them (like "OH no you have cancer, my .... died of that" (?!?!) I think they're doing admirably for such wee souls :o)

soniat-d (153 )    8:27 pm, 3 Aug




Maewest, is that a 12 hour shift?? They are quite


long days aren't they. Your friends sound like all you guys that I have met on here and talk to everyday. I feel like I have known you all for's great

joystik (285 )    8:27 pm, 3 Aug




And Sonia, they hear more and take on much more


than you ever realise too. And then it comes out in really odd ways sometimes, like they wil do something really strange that they wouldn't normally do, and react like a stessed out little person....They will have seen you go through so much in a year or more and will hear things and be being dropped off with other people while you attend appointments etc. It effects the whole family in quite a big way doesn't it....

joystik (285 )    8:31 pm, 3 Aug




Sonia people can be so


insensitive. Have you really had people say that in front on the girls? That's terrible. The poor wee souls. It has been hard enough for my grown up boys. I can't imagine how it must be for your little ones. You will be a new person ater all your 'bits' have been fixed's almost like a makeover!

maewest (79 )    8:34 pm, 3 Aug






I know its been said before but you must be very proud. Dear little poppit. Give her and Emily a cuddle from us here. Hugs to you (((((HUGS)))))

paulaxx (78 )    8:35 pm, 3 Aug




Joystik, just


7 hours the next 2 mornings, then 12 hours on Sunday and 8 on Monday night....that's enough!!!! Yes these 2 girls (ladies!) are really neat and so much fun. We chat about anything and everything! Wouldn't it be great if we could all have a get together somewhere?? Who knows!

maewest (79 )    8:37 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Paula


Hope all is well in your world. How is Josh tonight? Has the chemo and steroids affected him yet? And how are YOU?

maewest (79 )    8:39 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Maewest


I am feeling sooooo much better thank you! Josh looked so awful today, pale and so heavy under his eyes I hate seeing him like that. He is feeling the effects already of all of it. I had to get him to eat up so I could give him his chemo two hours after dinner, then for once he just went out like a light. Sound asleep. They both are tonight. Dear little things. I am so blessed. His x-box is playing up now. Of course to him thats a huge thing. Its his world. Hope I can get someone local to look at it???

paulaxx (78 )    8:50 pm, 3 Aug




The hours you work


Maewest - I am so glad the people are fun to work with. Yeah a get together - Maui's nice lol

paulaxx (78 )    8:56 pm, 3 Aug




Sounds good to me


Paula. I saw Josh's pic on his website. He does look miserable. It must be so hard for you. You are doing such a wonderful job. I'm so pleased you are feeling better. Boy it has taken a while. Onward and upward ((((HUGS))))

maewest (79 )    8:58 pm, 3 Aug






Is Joshs' xbox still under warranty? we had a problem with ours and they just replaced it as they told us they just replace them.

janetmk1 (39 )    9:21 pm, 3 Aug




I saw it too Paula and he did look kinda sad to me


I told him in his guestbook that it was on account of the school work.....Poor kid has a bit to go through doesnt he. Give him a hug....but dont wake him up will you

joystik (285 )    9:21 pm, 3 Aug




Actually Lauren got a new one soon after we got it


something to do with a faulty cord, that could catch on fire!!

joystik (285 )    9:24 pm, 3 Aug




hi sonia, haven't read much lately


but could the pain and lumpiness be scar tissue from your surgery?

mimi1 (226 )    9:24 pm, 3 Aug




Hey Boop's sending mail so she cant be far away...


wonder where shes been? Come on Boop, where have you been????

joystik (285 )    9:31 pm, 3 Aug




I'm off to bed now


This is early for me. I'll probably be back up in an hour!! Have a lovely evening everyone and an equally lovely day tomorrow. Love and ((HUGS)) to the littlies. Still no word from Boop. Wonder if her computer is playing up. Talk to you all tomorrow night.Nite nite XXX

maewest (79 )    9:32 pm, 3 Aug




Paula that email you sent is just beautiful??


I will send it on to specialpeople in my address book too. Maewest, I dont have an email address for you. I could keep you amused for hours....probably days. Who is gunna get the fifty???

joystik (285 )    9:33 pm, 3 Aug




Nite nite Maewest, see you again sometime soon,


after all you work. Hope you have a good day tomorrow and its a sunny one for you. Take care ....((((HUGS)))))

joystik (285 )    9:34 pm, 3 Aug




Paula, sorry I forgot


to thank for the email too. It must be the same one Joystik. Joystik, you will probably find my email addy on Josh or Ryans's website. I'm a bit slow too, yours will be on there as well!!

maewest (79 )    9:35 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Joystik :)


Still plodding along here Danny went to his dr on Tuesday and his meds have been increased. According to the doctor he has plateaued. I guess it just takes a lot of time and patience. Jordan is due to have another bout of vertigo soon so its going to be a long month. But while I have the chance I am going shopping tomorrow and the hairdressers etc so I can have a bit of "ME" time :)) I hope you hear about your job soon, must feel like its taking forever to you? It sure feels like a long time to me, every day I come on to see if you have heard :)

janetmk1 (39 )    9:36 pm, 3 Aug




Nanite Maewest


Thanks for all your loving supportive words. We are going to meet one day. I know it. Take care xoxo

paulaxx (78 )    9:37 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Maewest,


I bet you can't wait till you have a few days off, you sure work a lotta hours.

janetmk1 (39 )    9:40 pm, 3 Aug






It was cool wasnt it, the email that is... Josh was really not taht sad today - he was pulling such crazy faces when I took that photo it was inbetween some hilarity and well you know what we are like. Sorry if it made people sad. I just took it cos too me its another marker - the da after, the start of it all again. But one day closer to it all being successful. xoxo

paulaxx (78 )    9:40 pm, 3 Aug




Yes Paula, I know you guys as funny,happy people


but I suppose he just gets sick of himself some days and wishes he was someone else just for w while so he didnt have to put up with all this STUFF!!

joystik (285 )    9:48 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Janet, I think it will be after the weekend now


so check again then. I had to r-do part of the profile so they could do a proper analysis of my character and suitability for the position. How you dont have too uch to put up with, but I guess you know whats in store and now you are getting prepared for wen it sets in. Take care and treat your self tomorrow....(((HUGS)))

joystik (285 )    9:51 pm, 3 Aug






Yea I bet he does too, just probably doesnt tell me about it, cos he wouldnt want to upset me...

paulaxx (78 )    9:58 pm, 3 Aug




Glad Bogey Ryan was asking for ice cream


and Paula you are feeling better. Hope these people don't keep you dangling too long Joystik waiting to hear about that job. Wet here today so did another movie. Tiredness has set in a bit in last couple of days and I have had aching joints & muscles quite bad again. Grr just getting impatient! Away for a port flush tomorrow. I have damaged 2 molars during chemo and was staying across the road from Dental School in Dunedin. One of the other people had been going over to the school for treatment while doing radiation so I went and enquired about it too. What a laugh. Got told depending on what year student could be 3-18 month wait! I actually had an appointment at dentist day I started radiation and had to cancel it but have another next week.

landylass (48 )    10:02 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Landylass


Sorry you are feeling so tired. What a crock with your molars and how ironic youhad to put off that appointment. Hope the aches and pains ease off for you xo

paulaxx (78 )    10:04 pm, 3 Aug




Joystick I had


3 cycles of FEC and my hair started to go about 10 days after 2nd one. My hubby was getting mad with me as it never all stopped growing and I used to run his shaver over the top every morning otherwise it annoyed me on the pillow at night. First place I lost it was under arms. Went all over except for the legs which only partially went and thats where I was hoping it would all go! As soon as they took me off FEC it all started to grow back. Sadly its coming in quite grey and straight but hey its better in this weather to at least have some cover now!

landylass (48 )    10:06 pm, 3 Aug




Photos of Josh - taken today


that are not so sad!! See what I mean. Oh the bath one was last night... Love to you all xoxoxoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    10:06 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Paula


I'm with you on keeping Joshi away from school and the bugs. Especially if chicken pox is around. Can't be too careful. Hope you get that XBox going soon... he will have withdrawal symptoms. Will post a photo of Mr14 once he got the wireless controllers. Instead of sprawling on the floor he found a new perch on his sisters music stool and could sit like this for hours!

landylass (48 )    10:09 pm, 3 Aug




Here is photo of


how he plays XBox!

landylass (48 )    10:13 pm, 3 Aug




Hi Landylass


MMMM - the x-box. Janet asked me before and I hadnt replied, the x-box wasnt new when we go it. Am now wondering just how old it was!!!! Might need to suss that out if I can first, bought it off a friend of a friend bla bla. Oh and no im not hurrying him back to school.

paulaxx (78 )    10:13 pm, 3 Aug




HA HA Landylass


that is classic lol

paulaxx (78 )    10:14 pm, 3 Aug




His older brother has sold his


house and has a heap of his stuff in storeage so has loaned Mr14 his big TV so now he thinks its cool, he can lie in his top bunk and play in bed! Didn't figure on mum pinching the little piece that plugs into the Xbox so I still have some control on how long he spends on it and when!

landylass (48 )    10:16 pm, 3 Aug






I bet he does! Thats cool though. Right Im off to try and get some sleep. Take care and hope you feel better soon. Love and hugs from us all. (We missed you when you were away) ;o)

paulaxx (78 )    10:19 pm, 3 Aug




crikey away for a bit and i have heaps to


catch up on, have put some pics of the transplant on his site, can someone view them for me to make sure they can be seen.

bogeyi (484 )    10:27 pm, 3 Aug




Righto ladies, I'm off to bed now. See you all


tomorrow after a good nights rest and sleep. Hi Bogeyi and Ryan....hope all is continuing to go to plan for you guys. Special love and hugs to you 2. ((((HUGS ))))) to every one else....sweet dreams....

joystik (285 )    10:33 pm, 3 Aug




Hi bogey


so pleased Ryan is doing well I would buy him a dozen icecreams if I was there. Tyler is a brave wee soul too. Hugs to you all.

boop2 (109 )    10:41 pm, 3 Aug




Hi paula and joshi


I hope you are picking up again. Paula I think your two are very much alike aren't they? Sounds like you are going to be very busy calving, take care and love from me.

boop2 (109 )    10:44 pm, 3 Aug




Hi janet


I do hope Danny comes right I think mental health is so hard too deal with, my thoughts are with you and your boys. hugs

boop2 (109 )    10:45 pm, 3 Aug




Hi sonia


gosh you have been through the mill lately lets hope this holiday will relax you a bit. it is so hard on those wee girls cause they don't fully understand what is happening. Take care and keep on keeping on. Hugs

boop2 (109 )    10:48 pm, 3 Aug




Hi nova


I see you have been on once please come back and join us. I was wondering how you were doing. I wouldn't worry too much you will always be his only mum and haven't you proved that? He is so lucky he has such a great dad. How is that other gorgeous wee man? Hugs

boop2 (109 )    10:51 pm, 3 Aug




Hi meridian, dize, icarus and corvette


hope you are doing okay just about asleep on here. Take care

boop2 (109 )    10:53 pm, 3 Aug




Hi farmerlloyd


How's it going are you worn out chasing those sheep? I did think about you when going through Culverden and seeing all the little lambs playing there were heaps and guess what at Reefton on the way home outside a shop was a box of SWEDES for 60cents each. I pounced on them. The paddocks in Reefton are so green I don't think you would see them as green anywhere else, mostly dairy farms there I think. Take care farmer lloyd.

boop2 (109 )    10:58 pm, 3 Aug




Hello, hello joystick and maewest


thankyou for missing me.Glad too hear you are doing so well. I went to CHCH on the spur of the moment I was brousing through trademe and saw all these pavers for sale( over 600) I said too Malc I have to get them cause I have such plans for the back garden well anyway I bid on them and won the auction. They had to be uplifted by Friday so we hopped in the ute and over we went.Well what an experience after we finished loading them we were driving down the motorway and him next to me said the trailer looks at an odd angle so we pulled up and

boop2 (109 )    11:08 pm, 3 Aug




Great to see you back Boop...


everyone was missing you today! I'm off to bed to if I can get my 2 kids to go. Been up late tonight with homework.

landylass (48 )    11:09 pm, 3 Aug




woops off to bed after get the


rest of boops story. This sounds interesting!

landylass (48 )    11:10 pm, 3 Aug




sure enough all the welds at the bottom of the


trailer had broke so we had to crawl along the road and we came across this welding place on the Mainsouth road and Watts road(maewest you would know how busy it is there) anyway those lovely guys came out and unloaded the bricks , fixed our trailer while we sat in there cafe drinking their coffee they then loaded all the bricks on again. I went too help and they told me to bugga off. They were fabulous I can't speak highly enough of them.

boop2 (109 )    11:14 pm, 3 Aug




boop there have been a few


sore backs in this thread lately. Don't you go going them now unloading or working with those pavers!!!! Be positive that it happened where it did. Would have been the pits in the middle of the alps somewhere! You escaped Murphys law.

landylass (48 )    11:16 pm, 3 Aug




I was so upset thinking we might drop our bricks


in the middle of the motor way I just had to go and spend some money at the warehouse which is a novelty to me. Now you two eat your heart out they had bush roses reduced to 4.99 so I got 4 of those.One is justjoey, maryrose, forget the others will look in the morning.

boop2 (109 )    11:21 pm, 3 Aug




Cancer SUCKS.


Lost my friend just this monday gone. rest in peace Christopher James Stockdale Cowan 27/09/78 - 31/07/06 - I will light a candle for you every night untill your ashes return home.

lostcorz (135 )    11:22 pm, 3 Aug




Hi landylass


you are so right I said that too Malc imagine if we had been on the Rahu saddle or something it might have cost 100.00 but well worth it.I looked at your photo what a hard case position he is in. I had a playstation and I loved it one of the first things I sold when I joined trademe! Glad your family are all over their bugs now. Take care landylass

boop2 (109 )    11:27 pm, 3 Aug




Hi again joystick


I will never be too busy to come on here, like you everyone seems like old friends and I have to find out how they are doing.Our season doesn't start till 1st Sept and finishes on 14th NOv. it is one month shorter over here because they felt it was getting fished out. I am so pleased Sheri is coming I have to answer her mail yet. I read where sheep pellets are the best thing out for roses. Do you think farmerlloyd might bundle me up some? well off to bed will catch you tomorrow.

boop2 (109 )    11:32 pm, 3 Aug






I know how you feel having lost my life long friend to bowel cancer and two other very dear friends. You are so right cancer sucx

boop2 (109 )    11:36 pm, 3 Aug




Yeah cancer Suxs big time


I lost both My Mum and Dad 18 months apart to cancer,My mum had breast cancer and lost her first breast 30 yrs ago then 5 yrs ago lost the other one not long after that she passed away,Totally corageous lady,My Dad had Lymphatic leukemia for 25 yrs he was in and out of remission for a lot of that time. I am truly grateful for all the years I had with them after they were diagnosed (all those years ago),It Gave me time to prepare It still wasn't easy but I am still thankfull.. I send my love and kindest thoughts to all .

fancylegz (786 )    11:40 pm, 3 Aug




so sad fancylegz


I knew I had spelt it wrong after all the times I have read it no excuse really. CANCER SUXS

boop2 (109 )    11:48 pm, 3 Aug




Good morning everyone


Welcome back Boop. I missed ya. I can just vision you crawling along in THAT traffic with a broken trailer! Oh boy! Good service you got though. Wow, cheap roses....Wah Wah!!! I want some more! Sorry gotta fly.Just wanted to be first on here this morning...beat that Joystik! Have a lovely day everyone. XXX

maewest (79 )    6:15 am, 4 Aug




Good morning everyone


Looks as if Maewest was the early bird this morning.(What a worker you are!) And nice to see you again Boop. I can surely send you 1 or 2 of the product you require.. But I think you may be after a wheelbarrow load or two ???

farmerlloyd (24 )    7:29 am, 4 Aug




Hi neighbour Paula


We are in for a lovely sunny day today eh? Just perfect for wandering around the farmland around Wyndham! I hope you are kicking those bugs and that Josh has a better day today. It is a long sprawling treatment regime he has to endure isn't it. Anyway you can't help but feel a lot better when the day turns out to be a good one weather wise 1

farmerlloyd (24 )    7:35 am, 4 Aug




I cannot type quickly enough


to mention all the individual names here and it is time I was out amongst the stock... so will toddle off now Hi Bogeyi , thinking all all you guys . Joystik, Meridian, Sonia, Janet. Everyone else I haven't mentioned Good morning and you must know that Southland is about to have a great sunny spring day .. I must be off !

farmerlloyd (24 )    7:41 am, 4 Aug




morning all


it is so foggy here today i cant see anything out my window. Looks like Ryan is getting mucusitis hes not very happy today.

bogeyi (484 )    9:09 am, 4 Aug




Morning all


Lovely day here. Busy busy. Bogeyi Those photos are incredible. WOW! When you see them it makes you appreciate even more just what you are going through. You have two very brave boys. Sending hugs to you all xo

paulaxx (78 )    9:10 am, 4 Aug




Morning all, Bit of a late start for me again,but


I have been busy this morning doing stuff. Such a beautiful day here in sunny Southland, that I will be outside most of today and not on here. Going for a ride out country later on to, and having coffee with another friend shortly. Ohhhh what a busy life....Hi Paula and Josh, hope you love the farm you are going to look at. It will look great on such a nice day. Frmerlloyd, there wont be much sign of you here either on a day like this. Nice to see you Bogeyi, and I hope that Ryan doesn't have to suffer to much nasty stuff with this transplant. Thinking about you all lots....((((HUGS))))

joystik (285 )    10:24 am, 4 Aug




Hi Boop, so pleased to see you are back. I


was beginning to think maybe you had gone to see the Grandkids or something. The trailer thing was a bit of a hassle, but isn't it just grand to know that there are still nice blokey blokes out there that would take over and do it all for you like that. It restores ones faith in humans. You are into roses now aren't you?? Once you start buying them you can always find a place for just 1 more. My success rate with Warehouse roses was, sad to say, very poor. Probably less that half actually grew at all and the others were very slow. Of course they are a real bargain if they do though. Good luck with them. Yes, that pelletised sheep manure at the warehouse is very good if you cant get the real stuff. Easier to handle too. I am going to feed mine more organically this year and leave the phosphates in the shop!! I have always been big on spreading Nitrophoska everywhere, including the lawn so as to have the greenest lawn in town!!

joystik (285 )    10:29 am, 4 Aug




Hi Landylass, thanks for all your info on the hair


thing. Yes it seems that everyone reacts slightly differently to these drugs. It would seem that I am quite tolerent to them especially given the size of the doseage, and the fact that the side effects are very minimal. I guess in that light, I will have to shave the legs and armpits after all, and just imagine what a Braviallian would have been like!! Although I guess with 3 treatments still to go, there is time for changes still. Hope you have got a beautiful day like we have here truely is stunning!!

joystik (285 )    10:32 am, 4 Aug




Hi Sonia, where are you to collect yet another....


HUNDY!!! You have appointments today I think anyway....Take Care out there .....

joystik (285 )    10:34 am, 4 Aug




Hi and welcome to lostcorz and fancylegz.......


thanks to you both for posting and telling you story. I'm very sorry for you loss. Unfortunately that seems to be wht happens for some people. My Mum also had breast cancer twice, first at 29 and then again at 39and then died at 48. I still miss her today and think about how things would have been for her now had she survived all that. Its 22 years since she died now, and of course medical treatments have improved a lot in that time also. But still some will survive this terrible disease and some wont. I am on the WILL list, with all the other poeple on this thread. We all have our swords held high and Fight, Fight, Fight!! Take care both of you....(((HUGS))))

joystik (285 )    10:39 am, 4 Aug




Hi Maewest, you will be half way through a days


work while I'm sitting in here doing this. Hope its sunny where you are, just makes the day go so much quicker and better. Got you email addy too...thanks. Have a great day....

joystik (285 )    10:41 am, 4 Aug




Hows sunny Hamilton today Dize?? Hope you


are having an awesome day too. It certainly is yoo good to be inside today. Thinking of you and sending sunshine just in case you dont have any.... and to you also Janet. Hope all is well with you and the boys today. Hows things with you Meridian?? Everything OK?? Hope you are busy enjoying yourself....((((HUGS)))) to you all....and see everyone later on in the day....

joystik (285 )    10:43 am, 4 Aug




Hi Joystik


We are about to leave to pick up Cass then meet the Real Estate Agent. First calf just being born as I type this. Thats it now the others will look at it and think I quite like that and hormones will start racing - before you know it wel be in the thick of it. Anyway beautiful day. Hope you and your family have a great one. p.s Off to buy Josh an xbox 360, after chatting to experts it seems the laser is gone on his old one. He is so excited cant keep him quiet. xo

paulaxx (78 )    11:27 am, 4 Aug




Everybody all


together now say OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH

paulaxx (78 )    11:47 am, 4 Aug




Oh Paula, the new baby is beautiful..........


It just looks like a lovely Jersey Mum too, is it?? I'm not telling Lauren that Josh is getting a New Xbox 360!! She wants one so badly that its not funny. Enjoy your look around Wyndham wont you.....

joystik (285 )    12:17 pm, 4 Aug






I would like to be able to tell you that Hamilton is bathed in sunshine, but I would be lying. We had a heavy fog earlier, then it lifted, but seems to be coming down again. On the news it said that Auckland, Hamilton and Chch airports were closed with fog. 5 jumbo jets had to be re-routed from landing in Auckland, 3 went to Wgtn and 2 to Fiji. That would be a bummer to fly all the way from England or America and find yourself in Fiji, and you might get as far as the arrivals lounge, or you might sit on the plane for hours. They don't like all the paperwork if you land for a short time. Very disrupting. A little glimmer of sunshine is appearing, so that will cheer our two spoilt cats (Fred and Monty). Have a good day all of you.

dize5 (490 )    12:22 pm, 4 Aug




Hi all, sorry its just one thing after another


here at the mo! Had my vit C infusion this morning, running late... good news with my back, was able to sleep on my side last night, for the first time in a week! So definately improving!

soniat-d (153 )    12:55 pm, 4 Aug




Hi mimi1


Thanks for asking, no I definately still have about 12 lumps in there, the docs are hoping they've died and gone necrotic, so are happy as long as they don't start growing again. My radiologist said the effects of radiation would continue for months, and that the lumps swell and shrink through that process, so I have to assume thats what is happening, for now. Last night I freaked a bit, they all seemed big whole area was lumpy, felt awful, so I was crying etc. Then this morning, sweet as. Its freaky alright, hate it :o/!!!

soniat-d (153 )    12:58 pm, 4 Aug




Awww Paula :o)


Cute new bubba ;o) Wow spring is here eh? The fog has only just lifted here, was a major today, I'd imagine a lot of flights were postponed/diverted etc. Hey cute Josh calling his hits hundies LOL What a pro! ;o) Hope he's OK today, have still gotta backtrack through all the posts see the other photos etc...

soniat-d (153 )    1:01 pm, 4 Aug




But for now I have to go put Em


to bed...

soniat-d (153 )    1:01 pm, 4 Aug




Hi All!


The sun is shining here in sunny Hawke's Bay, and we have been playing outside all morning. I love the sunny weather!!!! I am great, and hoping to go away (only to palmy) next weekend without the kids. It'll seem so strange with no kids at all. I have 6 here when my 2 finish their school day - 7mnth old, 20month old, 2year old, nearly 4year old and mine are nearly 6 and nearly 10. Man I love kids!

meridian1 (300 )    1:07 pm, 4 Aug




he he


especially when they have daytime naps and I can catch up on here ;-)

meridian1 (300 )    1:10 pm, 4 Aug




I want to try linking a picture - neva done it b4 Our darling dog, Elle, we lost last week. Seems strange without her, but the pain is softening. Wasn't she beautiful!!! Love to you all going through your various treatments! Joystick - you are amazing - I bet your docs tell you that frequently. Sonia - glad you are havn a good day with the lumps. Im sorry you were so upset last night, you poor doll :-( . Bogeyi - hope today is going well for Ryan. How long before you know whether Ryan is accepting Tyler's marrow? Praying that it all goes as smoothly as possible!!! Paula - hi! Love your new baby!!!! I hope Joshi and Cassie are a box of birds today - wow - xbox 360 - lucky Joshi!! Hi Farmerlloyd, Maewest, Janet, Boop, Landylass, Dize etc etc etc - hope you are all having a glorious day!!!!

meridian1 (300 )    1:31 pm, 4 Aug




Its a beaut day here now :o)


Will have to pop down and check the track - may be able to walk to school again finally to collect Lydia, been a damp few weeks lately...

soniat-d (153 )    1:47 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Bogeyi ;o)


Just checked out your pics - wow! I like the "Bag of gold" - just amazing what science can do eh?! Hope your boys are having a good day :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:50 pm, 4 Aug




Made a typo early ...


my nearly 10yr old is actually nearly 11. Boy they certainly grow up quickly! Most of you are probably out enjoying the day, and I'm parked up here having my lunch (late I know) and surfing. Will be back outside when the boys wake no doubt!

meridian1 (300 )    1:50 pm, 4 Aug




Actually I haven't had my lunch yet!?!


Better go get me some ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:52 pm, 4 Aug




joystick I hope you are wrong about


the roses from the warehouse. The other two are erotica and new dawn a climber. I will give them all the love and attention they deserve. Glad you are well and still enjoying your walks. What a lovely wee calf, spring, s great.

boop2 (109 )    2:03 pm, 4 Aug




many thanks..


I have just discovered this thread, and it bought tears to my eyes. The love is amazing. It is just coming up to a year since I lost my best friend at the age of 33yrs and she left behind her 3 children and wonderful husband, as well as introducing me to her other dear friend. Our love for her is forever strong. I am going to share this with her hubby so he can also draw strength from you remarkable folk. THANK YOU

tinkerbellsmum (51 )    2:07 pm, 4 Aug






My mother has bought roses from the warehouse, and they are doing great - hopefully yours will to! I have just done a rough count up around our propery - at least 50 roses! They were all here when we moved here about a year and a half ago. My hubby and I knew nothing about roses (I still don't know alot), but he seems to have them sorted!

meridian1 (300 )    2:14 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Tinkerbellsmum....welcome and thanks for....


posting on this thread. So sorry about your friend, but unfortunately it still does happen. Roll on quickly the day when they can prevent it rather than try to cure it! This is a very supportive thread, and the people on here have become very special friends to me, although I have only ever met one of them in person. I feel like I have known them forever. Please tell your friend to post - we all support each other. ((((HUGS)))) to you....

joystik (285 )    2:16 pm, 4 Aug






I am so sorry to hear your story. ((((((((hugs))))))))

meridian1 (300 )    2:19 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Sonia and Dize....I heard that you were fogged


over up there this morning and the flights were being diverted all over the place. I see that happened last week or sometime and he planes landed at Whenuapai and the people wewre left sitting on the planes fo 10 hours!! That wouldn't impress you much would it! I see you are having a busy day again Sonia. Sorry you were distressed last night. We have times like that dont we. I woke up a bit like that this morning but think I was on the tail end of a dream, and couldn't even remember what it was about after a few minute, so came right quickly. But initially I did feel just horrid! I think about you, what you have gone through, and what you still have to go through, lots of times every day. Good thing you are such a positive lady and a delight to be around......((((HUGS))))and to you too Dize....

joystik (285 )    2:21 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Meridian, you dog is beautiful...a blue heeler?


Wonder why I thought it wa a golden Labrador?? I did get a big surprise when the pic came up on the screen. Its always sad when pets leave us. The become such a big part of the family.....I've told my cat lots of times that he has to live forever....cos he's got such a beautiful nature......and I love him to bits..

joystik (285 )    2:24 pm, 4 Aug




Yes joystick


she was a beautiful natured Blue Heeler. Such a loyal girl.

meridian1 (300 )    2:27 pm, 4 Aug




he he


now i know how to do it you might just be bombarded with piccys of my kids

meridian1 (300 )    2:29 pm, 4 Aug




hi all


just popping in to say gidday. beautiful sunny spring like day in the south. and there are a few lambs about i am getting excited. because we have a few sheep on our lifestyle block and they are in lamb. so we will have some soon too. i forgot to introduce myself in this thread. i am carer to my husband who has a brain tumor. he was diagnoised in 03 has had two craniotomies, radation and chemotherapy. all treatment finished now the beast is still there lurking in the back ground we are both 36 have 3 kids 13,10 and 5. we lived in aussie for a long time and made the decision to come home and he had is chemo here in the south. hubby had another seizure this week which are part of his tumor and distressing to watch. he also has a vision imparment and lost left visual field in both eyes so can no longer drive . well thats about all thinking of you all hope you having a nice day.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    2:57 pm, 4 Aug




lostcoz, fancylegz, tinkerbellsmum


sorry for yor loss. we lost a friend early this year to brain tumor. cancer sure does sux. made a promise to do relay for life next year so am determind to put in a team and raise funds for cancer society.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    3:00 pm, 4 Aug






how you going to day? have mr 13 home today we both have the bugs. i am off to get him some dvds to watch and hopefully he will relax!! (yeah right hes been on the mower feed the animals etc already today) loved the photo of mr14 yesterday hee hee. good news for josh getting a new xbox hope he gets it today paula.??xciting for him.!!! ok off this for now.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    3:04 pm, 4 Aug




hi kiwikaz3 nice to see you in here


paula did you get the xbox, I was telling ryan and his eyebrows raised and he said lucky, cool.

bogeyi (484 )    3:46 pm, 4 Aug




Wow lucky Josh!


Bet he's over the moon! Has he got it now Paula? Xbox is lost on me - know nothing about it! But you guys have taught me that boys LOVE them LOL

soniat-d (153 )    4:15 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Landylass


That was an outragious photo of Mr 14 playing Xbox LOL!

soniat-d (153 )    4:23 pm, 4 Aug




Hi everyone


I'm home again. Been for a is still lovely. Been a beaut day after the foggy start. Xbox Paula. How exciting is that?? Josh will be over the moon. Hi Sonia. Sorry to hear you had the 'blues'last night. I think we all have those occasionally. You have got to stop feeling those lumps so often!! Must be hard not to though. Just think of that radiation still doing it's work.

maewest (79 )    4:33 pm, 4 Aug




Bogey I hope


Ryan is feeling a bit better now.I suppose he will have ups and downs for a while. How is Tyler? Has he recovered from the transfusion? I think you said he has to watch our for bugs for a while. That's a big ask at this time of year!! Hope you are feeling okay also. Think about you heaps. Big ((((HUGS)))) XX

maewest (79 )    4:39 pm, 4 Aug




Lostcorz, Fancylegz, Tinkerbellsmum


So sorry to read your stories. My thoughts are with you all. It is not until you have the big C, or know someone with it that you realise just how prevalent it is. Please keep posting on here. It is a great support network. (((HUGS))) to you all.

maewest (79 )    4:42 pm, 4 Aug






Really sad to hear your story. You will get lots of loving support in here, so keep in touch. Sorry to hear you had a "down" night last night Sonia. You are only human, it is only natural to let the sword slip down briefly. Hope you are feeling better mentally today. Nice weekend coming up for us all, hopefully. I am just going around to have a wine with my youngest daughter and see my 3 grandchildren. They call me Nana Dize and I love it!!!

dize5 (490 )    4:44 pm, 4 Aug




Hey bettyboop


How's the coast today? I have New's lovely. Also have has a lovely perfume. I'm sure with some tender care those Red Shed roses will thrive. Yip the old sheep pellets are great. Must admit though I tend to use nitrophoska. It's great stuff. Still haven't finished pruning. It will happen sometime. I have a friend with an award winning garden and all she does is use the hedge clippers on her roses!

maewest (79 )    4:45 pm, 4 Aug




Dize, enjoy


your wine and your grandchildren. I am about to pour myself a glass of the red stuff. You have a lovely weekend.

maewest (79 )    4:47 pm, 4 Aug




HI Joystik


Thank for the emails. I will have to dig out some to send back to you. You busy girl. Hope you have had a lovely day. Janet, Hope your boys are okay today. That depression is tough. One step forward, two steps back a lot of the time. You just have to make the most of the good days.Landylass that photo of your son is a crackup! How can he sit like that for hours? It looks so uncomfortable! Hope your aches and pains are feeling better today. Farmerlloyd, hope you have had a lovely day chasing your sheep! You won't need bike rides etc like the rest of us! Lots of lambs around now. I love it.We have a paddock over our fence with polo horses. One of the locals breeds them and has a polo field over our back fence...Mark may have heard of him. His brother does the racehorse thing.

maewest (79 )    4:53 pm, 4 Aug




Hows the wine going maewest?


I'm off for a cycle now, will be back later ;o) Feeling great today thanks :o) just too much to do, having appointments every morning of the work week makes it tricky to get things done! xoxoxoxo to you all :o)

soniat-d (153 )    4:57 pm, 4 Aug




Yoo hoo!!!!


It's quiet on here tonight. On my second glass of the red stuff. Have to get to bed early tonight ready for another early start.

maewest (79 )    7:20 pm, 4 Aug




Hya Maewest :o)


Wish I could join you - I'm being a good (= boring) girl and avoiding the vino :o/!!!

soniat-d (153 )    7:29 pm, 4 Aug




Hey Sonia but


they (who??) say red wine is good for you!! I believe it. Made myself vege pasta for tea..on my own tonight. It's the man's tyurn to work! So had the 5+ veges and fruit in the wine!! lol

maewest (79 )    7:43 pm, 4 Aug






just had a couple of red wines my self 50/50 with cranberry juice very nice. kids made pizzas for tea . i chopped up all the ingredients this avo and they put them together:) easy friday nite tea. sonia hope your having a good nite. hubby up so i am off to get his tea.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    7:53 pm, 4 Aug




With all the drama and stress in you lives...


you deserve to have an wine or two..... Nothing like sitting down on a friday night with you partner and catching up and enjoying a wine or two.

zhapod (0 )    8:00 pm, 4 Aug




Very true zhapod


thanks for your approval! I haven't tried it with cranberry juice Kiwikaz. Dunno about that! Will try it sometime. How are things in your household?

maewest (79 )    8:11 pm, 4 Aug




Alcohol in general not good


but what the hey ;o) I don't like red wine but LOVE white :o) Don't drink that anymore, have the odd weak Kahlua to raise my spirits (pun intended LOL). Will be having one tonight ;o) OK gotta put the girls to bed, brents still not back. He's around at the other house getting a quote for HRV system installation. Appointment was 7.30 - they must be doing the full sell LOL

soniat-d (153 )    8:12 pm, 4 Aug




Everything in moderation


that's my motto now Sonia. Actually I have not long got the taste for alcohol back. Even now, red wine is about the only thing that appeals. In says you can have red wine in my chemo book, so it can't be all bad...I hope!

maewest (79 )    8:17 pm, 4 Aug




Hi everyone


Had a good day, seems everyone has been very busy on here. Read a wee bit but Cass is waiting for a story so I have to be brief. Farm - not really our cuppa, just didnt feel right, I havent bought much real estate in the past but I think we'd know????? Josh got his xbox 360 - but guess what. After making two phone calls to check this we find that none NO none of his games work on it!!! Poor thing. Chris is going to try and contact Microsoft to ask if we can get anything to adapt to it. The guys at two shops said it should be able to play some of the games. They are not making the old xbox's anymore. :( Poor Josh. He got one game with the console - thank goodness. Oh well, glad you liked the bubba, she is one of the only Jerseys we have left in the herd. Mostly black and whites or crosses. FYI lol

paulaxx (78 )    8:20 pm, 4 Aug








You will need to get an emulator for your xbox 360 and even then only some of the games will play. If you check this site you can see the list of games...

janetmk1 (39 )    8:58 pm, 4 Aug






What a darling you are - you made our night! Thanks xoxo

paulaxx (78 )    9:01 pm, 4 Aug




I'm glad :)


Do you have a cd wroter to burn the xbox software onto? If not I can do it for you and send it to you :)

janetmk1 (39 )    9:03 pm, 4 Aug




make that


writer* i am good with typo's lol

janetmk1 (39 )    9:08 pm, 4 Aug




Paula what a shame


about Joshis games. Looks like Janet might come to the rescue!! Yes I think you will know when a place feels right for just know! Is there much on the market down there? Hey Joystik will find you something!!

maewest (79 )    9:10 pm, 4 Aug




Sounds like a shrewd way for Xbox


to make money out of the unsuspectring public?! Not on Xbox! Hope you get it sorted Paula ;o) xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    9:23 pm, 4 Aug




hi guys


ryans had an ok day, mucusitis is getting worse but hes not complaining, he was sick a few hous ago and yes up came the NG tube, he was so upset couldnt try tonight will try in the morning......his words i am scared while sobbing his heart out.....boy this is hard. He even said to me i will need a big hug tomorrow...ryan never says this, these tubes coming up are really effecting him....

bogeyi (484 )    9:25 pm, 4 Aug




maewest (i think it was you asking)


tyler is fine he went back to school today, his body will reproduce the marrow over a few months all he has is 5mls of iron a day. Ryan is strictly on no visitors, not even his brother or sister now (our choice) he is most at risk now for any infection even from his own body. I had dinner with the kids tonight so that was nice took them to the local RSA.

bogeyi (484 )    9:28 pm, 4 Aug




Bogey good to hear from


you. Oh poor Ryan. I wish we could all give him a big group hug. Do they really have to put that tube down again? I think you said it was for feeding him. So hard on you too bogey. It's great that Tyler is back at school. It will be so hard on the rest of your family little they can do while Ryan is in isolation. Stay strong bogey...we are all here praying for you. Huge ((((HUGS)))) XXXXXXX

maewest (79 )    9:34 pm, 4 Aug




Nite nite everyone


better try and get sleep....yeah right! I can't remember the last time I managed a full night's sleep! Here goes. Love to all XXXX

maewest (79 )    9:36 pm, 4 Aug




Nanite Maewest


Hope you have a good rest. Bogeyi Poor you guys. I just feel so much for you. Hope the morning try is successful for all concerned. Its not fair!!! Love and big hugs to you guys.

paulaxx (78 )    9:44 pm, 4 Aug






We do have a cd writer - I am trying at the moment to write it to disk. But I cant open the zip file. Dont know what to do next... Can you give me a tip? Thanks for the offer to burn it for us - that is so nice of you. I will try 1st.

paulaxx (78 )    9:46 pm, 4 Aug




yes he needs it not just for the feeds


but if the mucusitis gets really bad and he cant swollow they need the NG to get meds down.

bogeyi (484 )    9:47 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Sonia


MMMM thought this was going to be a breeze for him, now Im sitting here trying to get it working so he has it for tomorrow. How are you and your beautiful darlings?? In the morning I have to take Teddie for his first haircut - should be interesting. LOL hugs to you

paulaxx (78 )    9:48 pm, 4 Aug






Most of the time if you can't open a zip file it will be because theres an error in it. I would download it again and try again. If you still have no luck I am happy to have a go :)

janetmk1 (39 )    9:49 pm, 4 Aug






I didnt know they used them for meds. Not able to do some through the hickman huh? Josh has asked Chris if he will make a video of him and Cass for Ryan to see. Hope to do that tomorrow. Should be interesting - knowing my kids????

paulaxx (78 )    9:50 pm, 4 Aug




Oh Bogey I wish there was something


we could do to help. Poor Ryan with his tubes. I had a terrible night last night and woke up this morning grumpy and full of aches & pains and sat crying in my breakfast then thought of Ryan and told myself to pull myself together.... I'm going thru nothing like he is and now reading about his latest escapade with the dreaded tube, feel really stupid! So I've had my bad day too Sonia. Just getting frustrated that the soreness is getting worse not better. See what next week brings.

landylass (48 )    9:50 pm, 4 Aug




Nite Maewest :))


I hope you have a good nites sleep :))

janetmk1 (39 )    9:50 pm, 4 Aug




I'm so gutted for Ryan too


Awww Bogeyi, the poor dude... suxs man... Hope things improve tomorrow and the tube gets down without too much stress (((((hugs)))))

soniat-d (153 )    9:51 pm, 4 Aug






it asked me what file I wanted to use to open it and I stupidly selected Windows hoping that might work. It now comes up in heiroglyphics??? Darn!! Tried to do it again and it goes straight to that file? Whoops

paulaxx (78 )    9:52 pm, 4 Aug




Paula I was going to ask


about games on the 360 Mr14 wanted to buy one but was told none of the old games would work on the old original one so he opted for a Play Station portable instead. Got to say its brillient. Kids watch movies on it while travelling sharing an earplug each! Oooh thats a lovely new calf... but I don't envy you the next few weeks work!

landylass (48 )    9:53 pm, 4 Aug




hugs to you landylass


Paula NG tubes are great all his pamol,blood pressure meds etc can go through there and he dosent need to be wiken, all chemos and hydration fluids, antibiotics, morphine etc go through the hickman. At the moment he has to be woken through the night for his blood pressure meds.

bogeyi (484 )    9:54 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Paula :o)


Girls are good thx, Lydia's hearing is still dodgy, will need to go back to doc on Monday me thinks... My lumps are OK tonight, yay :o) Just finished my Kahlua hmmmmmmm :o) Hey thats a shame about the farm, sounds like you need Ms Joystik to scout around for you ;o) Hope you find what you're looking for before too long. Have a nice evening :o) PS Loved the smiling pics of Josh, great to see he can keep smiling through all of this, can't wait to meet him xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    9:55 pm, 4 Aug




Wish there was something we could all do...


to help Ryan, poor little guy and you too bogeyi its heartbreaking watching your kids go through hell.Can they feed him fluid threw a drip for a few days to give him a break?

janetmk1 (39 )    9:55 pm, 4 Aug




Kiwikaz sorry to hear


B has had another seizure. Hope it wasn't bad. Does it lay him low for a couple of days afterwards? You need to get rid of the bugs before lambing. Hope they mother up well and you don't end up feeding them all! Have a good weekend.

landylass (48 )    9:56 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Paula


Do you have winzip?

janetmk1 (39 )    9:57 pm, 4 Aug






Poor Lydia's ear, I understand it does take a while for ear infections to clear up, glad you like the photos of Josh - we are willing the days away till we meet you too. xoxoxo MMMMm Kahlua ;O)

paulaxx (78 )    9:58 pm, 4 Aug






I am looking right now for that?? Cant see it listed on my program files??? Bum!

paulaxx (78 )    9:58 pm, 4 Aug




janetmk1 hes getting hydration fluids


through his hickman, but he needs some nutrition as hes not eating, he has lost 2kg so far. Its a vicious cycle he dosent want to eat because hes scared he will bring the NG tube up but the feeds arent digesting and hes bringing up the feed at night, tonight though was mucus in his tummy its such a bugger.

bogeyi (484 )    10:00 pm, 4 Aug






Now I see why they are so important. I hope it can be done quickly and painlessly for him. I know last time they used the date rape drug - they used that for Josh too, is that an option this time just to help relax him a bit??? (((((HUGS)))))

paulaxx (78 )    10:02 pm, 4 Aug






Havent got Winzip, dont want to cause you any trouble. Do you know can i just buy an emulator at a shop????

paulaxx (78 )    10:05 pm, 4 Aug




paula they used that on him


and it did nothing, nothing at all so he was really upset cause all the nurses were saying it relaxes you and you wont remember a thing, and thats exactly what he said to them once it was said i wouldnt remember it.. They are going to give him some morphine tomorrow to see if that helps.

bogeyi (484 )    10:08 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Paula


you will need to download it from...winzip... and openthe install then try to open the file ....goodluck

janetmk1 (39 )    10:08 pm, 4 Aug




I just found this online Paula ...May be worth a gander?

soniat-d (153 )    10:09 pm, 4 Aug




(((((hugs))))) bogeyi


Hope the morphine works its magic for you guys tomorrow.

soniat-d (153 )    10:11 pm, 4 Aug




Sonia and Janet


You two are so kind - worrying about this for us. Huge HUGS to you - runs off to have a look at the two new sites xoxoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    10:11 pm, 4 Aug




No worries Paula


Yahoo is my friend ;o) OK I'd better be a good girl and wrap up now and get to bed - early start again tomorrow, Lydia's ballet starts at 9am (gasp!) and Emily's swimming at 9.30am. This week Lydia's in the window room so I get to watch the class yay :o) Night all, hope tomorrow is a good day for y'all xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    10:18 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Bogeyi


At least they are giving him something that will really knock the discomfort on the head this time. I hope tomorrow is a far far better day for you both xxxxxx

janetmk1 (39 )    10:19 pm, 4 Aug




Hi Paula


Did you get winzip installed ok?

janetmk1 (39 )    10:33 pm, 4 Aug






I tried the evaluation option and the short answer is downloaded and no joy with the xbox file :(

paulaxx (78 )    10:36 pm, 4 Aug




Oh Sonia


How Gorgeous. Enjoy your day tomorrow with your girls. Nanite and thanks for the website info xo

paulaxx (78 )    10:40 pm, 4 Aug






If I cant just go and buy an emulator then I will take you up on the offer please.

paulaxx (78 )    10:41 pm, 4 Aug




ok I will give it a go


i will try it now.

janetmk1 (39 )    10:42 pm, 4 Aug




you can download it off..


xbox live or order the cd but it isn't being sent till december I read. third option is to download it. I will give it a try :)

janetmk1 (39 )    10:43 pm, 4 Aug




Thank you so much


What a sweetie you are. Let me know how you go?

paulaxx (78 )    10:44 pm, 4 Aug




Bogey, poor Ryan


What a little trooper he is and you as well . What a load you have too carry but of course your precious wee son is well worth it.Hope tomorrow is a better day. Big hugs to you all

boop2 (109 )    10:46 pm, 4 Aug




Been such a busy day today, and now I'm off to


bed. Hope you have all had a good day too nd have an good restfull sleep to see you right for tomorrow. Thinking of you all tonight but especially you Bogeyi and Ryan.....(((((HUGS))))) to everyone and see you all tomorrow......

joystik (285 )    10:47 pm, 4 Aug






hugs to you and your ryan, hope your getting a wee bit of sleep too. its hard watching them go through so much and you feel so helpless. gee i hope tommorrow is a better day for you both. if only we all had a magic wand we could wave to take it all go away. you mention the midazolam the other day thats what i give hubby now to control a seizure it makes him very tired for about 24 hrs after wards. hope the morphine helps him tommorrow we will be thinking bout you.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    10:48 pm, 4 Aug




Hi paula


What a pain the games not working. Jabnet is doing a good job there she sounds so knowledgeable about the pc, well done Janet. Love to Joshi and Cassie.

boop2 (109 )    10:49 pm, 4 Aug






I have to say it only made Josh a tiny bit out there. he remembered it all too now you mention it :( I hope the morphine works for Ryan tomorrow. Thinking of you - xoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    10:50 pm, 4 Aug






Hi Boop


I know - yay for Janet!!!! Hope you had a nice day. nanite Joystik - sleep tight xoxox

paulaxx (78 )    10:51 pm, 4 Aug




Hi joystick


night, have a good sleep see you tomorrow.

boop2 (109 )    10:52 pm, 4 Aug






I have the file and will burn it to cd. Can you email me your address and I will courier it to you in the morning my email is this username at hotmail dot com.

janetmk1 (39 )    10:56 pm, 4 Aug






I should be able to email it to u maybe?

janetmk1 (39 )    10:57 pm, 4 Aug




Aw maewest missed you again


I have the roses in a bucket of water and first thing tomorrow will plant them we have some great compost and we can go to the racecourse and get the horse manure at any time. I will make them grow.I am like you enjoy a wine then another but white for me as I can't drink red I just don't like it. We were amazed at all the wineries going in over your side. a lot of the farm land is being planted for miles with grapes and big signs saying "workers wanted" must be good money in it.I am off now, night.

boop2 (109 )    10:58 pm, 4 Aug






Wow - thank you so much! You dont have to courier it. I will email you now - YOU DARLING xo

paulaxx (78 )    10:58 pm, 4 Aug






maybe if you have msn messenger I can send it through there

janetmk1 (39 )    10:58 pm, 4 Aug




your welcome :))


I just hoep it works for Josh

janetmk1 (39 )    10:59 pm, 4 Aug




Just to wish you well tomorrow with the


girls sonia I think it was last Saturday Lydia got sick. Good swimming and dancing. I still think you are over doing it, take care. Love and hugs

boop2 (109 )    11:00 pm, 4 Aug




awww thanks boop :))


its all triasl and error mostly and demanding kids LOL

janetmk1 (39 )    11:00 pm, 4 Aug






I think I have msn messenger?? my address is like yours viva2207 at hot bla bla

paulaxx (78 )    11:07 pm, 4 Aug






I am going to head off to bed now, but thank you so much and I really hope you didnt have a late night because of us. Huge hugs to you xxxx

paulaxx (78 )    11:14 pm, 4 Aug




Everyone... Do you know what.....


Dear Janet stayed up and sent me the file on the computer and I now have a husband behind me on the new xbox snowboarding - COOL EH. So when Joshi wakes up tomorrow he will be able to play some games. ALL THANKS TO MY SAVIOUR - YAY JANET!!!!!! THANKS AGAIN XOXOXOXOXOXOX

paulaxx (78 )    11:58 pm, 4 Aug




hi janet


how does that work just curious? Can you download games or what? well done for Joshi and Chris. How is Danny janet is he any better? take care.

boop2 (109 )    12:17 am, 5 Aug




well done janet


bet joshs face will be priceless when he wakes up. Good morning everyone

bogeyi (484 )    9:15 am, 5 Aug




Support Group On the Gold Coast?


Hi everyone. My 43 year old cousin in Aussie has terminal breast cancer. Does anyone know of support groups on the Gold Coast for her family to hook up with? Thanks :-)

jarojaro (700 )    9:26 am, 5 Aug






He was awake last night listening to us wondering what we were doing lol. Didnt come out though. He is happy - very happy!!! Now How are you guys today? How Ryan??? Be thinking of you, tell him we are going off this morning to get Teddies Hair cut will post a before and after for you to maybe show him if hes feeling up to it. Might be a little distraction???? All the best for the tube and morphine xoxo

paulaxx (78 )    9:26 am, 5 Aug






Josh is thrilled - thanks again. Hope you have a lovley day xo

paulaxx (78 )    9:27 am, 5 Aug




paula hes had phenergan as


he is having platelets, then when hes awake we will give the NG a go.

bogeyi (484 )    9:31 am, 5 Aug




OMG its done he deserves a medal


there wasnt a sound he put his head back counted to 3 and kerry had it in ten seconds, he didnt gob so proud of hm. Kerry couldnt sleep last night knowing she had to do it as he gets really upset, so she is rapt especially when he said she was first equal with jo.....made her day

bogeyi (484 )    10:56 am, 5 Aug




Bogeyi, what a good boy...he really does deserve


a Medal and a huge big hug for being so good about it. I was worried about him and wondered just how it was all going to go. You just be so proud of him Bogeyi, like we all are. Big hugs to you all....Have a great day.

joystik (285 )    10:59 am, 5 Aug




Hows things with you Paula and Josh?? Good to see


you were able to make progress with that new X-Box. I told Lauren about it this morning and she didn't realise that you couldn't play the old games without modification. She thinks thats a bit of a rip off!! But money is the name of the game isn't it. I thought your baby's mum looked pretty much like a jersey cow. Our farm only had jerseys. They have such lovely faces and eyes dont they?? Its another fab day here today. I'm about to do house work, hang out washing, bit of gardening, then out for dinner tonight to Riverton. How will I ever fit work in?? Enjoy your day...

joystik (285 )    11:03 am, 5 Aug




Hi Sonia, you will be long gone to Ballet and


swimming lessons with your wee ladies. Hope the day is nice for you to enjoy too.....

joystik (285 )    11:04 am, 5 Aug




Hi Boop, I'm sure you will have success with your


roses. I think when I bought mine, they had already sat around for too long and with just shreaded newspper round the roots, it had all dried out too much.Some stores are not verygood with their plants and have no idea how to look after them while instore. What are you doing today?? Hope you've got sunshine.

joystik (285 )    11:07 am, 5 Aug




Hi Janet, you are very smart with the computer


arent you?? I am very basic with mine here. Really don't know how to do much more than email and post messages on the thread. But now I know someone I can ask advice from...! Hows Danny?? Hope he's feeling a bit happier in himself. Have a good day at your place too....

joystik (285 )    11:09 am, 5 Aug




Hi Kiwikaz, sorry your hubby had a bit aof a bad..


day. Must be awful for you all, but I guess you all know about it and just deal with it as it comes along. Lucky you, having baby lambs to look forward too. Are you living on a life style block. Nice for the kids to have animals around. Another beautiful day in Southland, an I hope you are out enjoying it as I will be any minute. Thinking of you all......

joystik (285 )    11:13 am, 5 Aug




Hi Maewest, you'll be at work I suppose......


Thanks for the funny email....I do enjoy them all and send them on to everyone too. I'm not a red wine drinker either. Gives me the instant headache. Someone told me once that its the preservative that does that to some people or the lower the sugar content the more likely it is to happen. How true is all that? Aussie wines, I just leave on the shelf! My favourite is Asti Riccidonna, bubbles, or any of the Italian Asti's for that matter, then Saints Sav Blanc, lovely passionfruit flavour. Makes me almost go and get one now! Take care and have a good day.

joystik (285 )    11:17 am, 5 Aug






YAY for Ryan - What a star he is - RYAN ROCKS RYAN ROCKS RYAN ROCKS - WAHOOO!!!!! Champion - love to you. Off to pick up Ted now - man I hated leaving him there. xo

paulaxx (78 )    11:39 am, 5 Aug






What a sweetheart you are. Hope you have a fab night out tonight. Enjoy your day love and hugs to you, Kevin and Lauren xooxo

paulaxx (78 )    11:40 am, 5 Aug




Hi Nana Dize, hope you enjoyed your visit with


the grandkids. Are they they only ones you have or are there others that life elsewhere?? Lovely to have them close enough to visit though. Hope today is must be working its way up to you by now. I see tomorrow is another fab one for us too. Was frosty this morning but somehow didn't seem so cold. The days are really drawing out now too which is great....Have a great day.

joystik (285 )    11:49 am, 5 Aug




You are very welcome Paula,Josh Cassie and Chris..


I just saw those wee things and thought of you guys.....Love to you all too....

joystik (285 )    11:50 am, 5 Aug




Hi Landylass, hope you're feeling on top of the


world today. I think we must have all woken up out of sorts yesterday!! I only have to spend a minute thinking of all the other people I know fighting what I am fighting and soon snap out of it. But, still have days when I think 'why me'. Hope you have sunshine and smiles a plenty at your place today too.....I think of you often....

joystik (285 )    11:52 am, 5 Aug




Hi Meridian.....I would love to see pics of your


kiddies on here? You're part of this big family too you know. Hope today treats you and yours just again soon....

joystik (285 )    11:53 am, 5 Aug




Hi jarojaro, thanks for posting on here. I don't


know of a support on the Gold Coast, but your friend is more than welcome to post on here for support. We are a great supportive group on here and would love to hear from your friend too.....Take care and have a great day too....

joystik (285 )    11:55 am, 5 Aug




Hi everyone


I am glad Josh is getting to play on his new xbox :)) Boop, its just a software file you download and load onto the xbox to enable you to play the old xbox games. You can't download games etc though, you have to buy them. Danny came out for breakfast today, he was really unsure about coming but with some reassurance he came, A huge step forward :))now as you said maewest its probably two steps back but it was nice to have everyone out together.

janetmk1 (39 )    12:01 pm, 5 Aug




Hi bogeyi


I am pleasesd it went smoothly for Ryan today, I have been thinking about you guys heaps, what a relief for you!!! heres hoping it stays there :)

janetmk1 (39 )    12:02 pm, 5 Aug






what a relief for you, and hugs to your brave wee man. hope you have a better day today.:):) jargojargo, sorry to hear about your friend, tell her to contact qld cancer they are very good. they have support volunteers. who have been through the same type of cancers and are willing to talk to you. i had one for my husband and she was great.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:07 pm, 5 Aug






thanks for that yes we have some very up and down days. we are dealing with mood swings, personality changes,the drugs for seizures affect him as do the seizures. very hard to watch sometimes what its taking away from him , cancer sure does sux, he had a bad night last nite and this morning. but gone off to sleep now afta a nice massage.:) managed to get out and watch miss 10 play netball they had a great game so cheered me up. yep we live on a lifestyle place and the kids love it.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:11 pm, 5 Aug




i am going outside to enjoy


the sunshine and look at fat sheep and do some gardening its sadly been neglected lately catch u all later in the day. southland sure is a beautiful place on a day like today. :)

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:14 pm, 5 Aug




Hi joystik


I am sorry to say that once again the weather is horrible in Hamilton, cold and grey and bleak. I have 3 grand-children here in Hamilton, Madison (5 next weekend) Daniel (who was 3 in May) and Ryan (almost 6 months). I love them to bits and see a lot of them. Another daughter is having her first baby in December. Your weather in the deep south seems to be far better than ours.

dize5 (490 )    1:17 pm, 5 Aug




Dize thats lovely, all little kids at this stage


and close enough to visit every day if you want to. They grow up so jolly fast, so make the most of them being little wont you. The weather in Southland would have to be about the Best kept secret of the region I am happy to say. I always was lead t believe that the weather was cold and bitter almost 24/7, but it is just not like that. We have only had a few days that have been really bitter all winter, like everywhere else. But overall it is just lovely. Where we are in Otautau, we are very sheltered from the south so miss that cold wind that Invercargill gets. Where today in Invercargill it will be about 11 or 12 deg probably, here in Otautau it is 19 now and fabulous. You should come down and see us. Paula, Farmerlloyd, kiwikaz and I are all here and would find a lovely Cafe to have a coffee with you. Sending you sunshine and hugs......

joystik (285 )    1:28 pm, 5 Aug




I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all that


Kiwikaz, must be just awful. A very close friend of my s-i-l's in going through the same thing with her husband (brain tumor also) Sooooo hard. (((((hugs)))))

soniat-d (153 )    1:46 pm, 5 Aug




Hi all :o)


Busy morning, got to watch Lydia having her dance class. I can see why they rotate them round - Lydia kept turning around to see me through the window, kept waving to me etc, sometimes missing what the teacher was telling her to do LOL I then took the girls out to buy their presents for Dad - managed to sort pressies in record time (a first for me!). Have just got them to bed now, think I'll have a lie-down myself. Will be alone with kids this evening - Brents off to watch the rugby (at the Albany stadium I assume - guess I should know that LOL!)

soniat-d (153 )    1:49 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Joystik


Weather here is sadly terrible, non-stop rain :o/!!! Think we'll be making puppets this afternoon...

soniat-d (153 )    1:50 pm, 5 Aug




Hey Bogeyi :o)


Wow - I am soooooo impressed with Ryan :o) What a first-class champ! Can you give him a big hi-5 from me (or whatever is the "cool" equivalent LOL). Thats such great news :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:52 pm, 5 Aug




Awwww Dize5 thats so great having


your grandkids so close and seeing them often. We're blessed that way too - Brents parents live 8 houses down the road LOL and my parents usually live 4 blocks away (currently in Europe though but returning in 5 weeks). I grew up in different country to my grandparents, which sucked! I'm so glad my girls get to see theirs so often :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:55 pm, 5 Aug




Sorry to those I've missed, I'm so tired


for some reason, gotta lie down.... catch y'all later ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:57 pm, 5 Aug




1734# thanks joystik.....


... I will pass that on to her :-)

jarojaro (700 )    2:10 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Everyone


Dize5 - My thoughts are with you guys. Janet that was good that Danny made breakfast. Hope you have a good day. Sonia - hope you feel better after a rest. Love to see the puppets once they are made. xo

paulaxx (78 )    2:42 pm, 5 Aug




Just for a laugh


Here is my teddie before a haircut Josh giving him a cuddle. Now with a haircut - I seriously thought they'd swapped dogs lol

paulaxx (78 )    2:44 pm, 5 Aug




Awwwwwww! What a cuuutie :o)


Love the haircut! Mind you he looked great before the haircut too :o)

soniat-d (153 )    3:13 pm, 5 Aug




Paula :)


doesn't he freeze with all that fur gone? but I bet he loves it in the hot summer months. I do the same to our long haired cat coz he is so miserable with a thick coat in summer.

janetmk1 (39 )    4:13 pm, 5 Aug




wow looks a different dog


paula what type of dog is it????looks like you have nice suuny weather down there..

bogeyi (484 )    4:17 pm, 5 Aug




Bogeyi, we have nice sunny weather down here


almost all the time actually. Hows things with you guys today?? Been thinking about you while I've been in my garden, and hope all is well.

joystik (285 )    4:55 pm, 5 Aug




Paula, what a beautiful little doggie.............


doesn't look like the same dog even in the after shots does it. Would love to stay and chat but we are out the door at 5.30 and I haven't been in the shower yet, so I better move it aye.....See you a bit later maybe.....if not tomorrow...

joystik (285 )    4:59 pm, 5 Aug






He is a Bichon Frise - but I am not going to have him clipped like most you see as I dont think the ponsy look is for him??? (or me lol) Janet he may get a bit cooler on those type days but I will keep him inside anyway. He is only 6 months old. You wouldnt have known it by the wooly photos. Bogeyi have sent you an email with the message for Ryan. Hope you all had a great day. Love to all

paulaxx (78 )    6:41 pm, 5 Aug






Ryan is having a sleep at the moment but will show him when he wakes up, he will love it.Thanks josh and cass for your lovely message, i love how the cat wanted to be involved at the end....thank you it made my day

bogeyi (484 )    7:01 pm, 5 Aug






Thats cool. I tried to get Josh to say a bit more but as you could tell he was looking for me to prompt him. So in I came and took over lol. Glad you liked it. The kids had been wanting to do that for Ryan for a while xo

paulaxx (78 )    7:35 pm, 5 Aug






Has Ryans other thread gone???? Couldnt find it anywhere....

paulaxx (78 )    7:53 pm, 5 Aug




hi Paula.....i think it probally has


Ryan has just seen the video he thought it was cooooooool say a big thank you to Josh and Cass

bogeyi (484 )    8:11 pm, 5 Aug




I started a new thread


asking if anybody was on Arimidex, and what their side effects were, but had little response. Any one here on it? I have been taking it for 15 months and seem to be getting a few side effects, but they may not be related, that is why I am interested. One of the side effects listed on Google is a dry mouth, which I have very badly at night. I also am a very poor sleeper and toss and turn all night, and get hot flushes during the night, but that might be just me too, as I have been having hot flushes for many years. Since Arimidex they are "dry" hot flushes though, no perspiring. They are mainly on my face and head. I won't stop Arimidex as I know it is the best drug for me, but any comments, ladies?

dize5 (490 )    8:14 pm, 5 Aug




Hi everyone


Wow what a lot of reading to catch up on!! Bogey, pleased to read that Ryan's tube went down with minimum of fuss. You would have been so relieved. Hope you are having a stress free evening in room 10. (((HUGS))) to you both. Paula, isn't Janet a clever clogs getting some of Josh's games up and running. Well done Janet! Loved the pics of Teddy. He is so cute, with and without his coat. Hope all is well with you too XXXXXXX

maewest (79 )    8:30 pm, 5 Aug




Dize I am on Arimidex


too, but only since March. Must admit I'm sure there are side effects, but would they be happening anyway after all the treatment?? Don't know. I have been feeling the cold really badly..I'm always rugged up even when the sun is shining. Have had a really tingly and numb hand and an aching leg. I have been really restless at night too. Once I get to sleep it's not so's just getting there that is the hard part!! Apart from that, feel great! I go back to the oncologist this month so will mention all the above to him for comment. Thanks for bringing it's good to share. Thanks.

maewest (79 )    8:34 pm, 5 Aug




Hi dize5. Arimidex


I am new to messaging on Trade Me so hope this comes through okay. I am on arimidex and have been now for about 9 months. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation last year. I have dry hot flushes at night but they are getting less and less frequent - phew! Aching joints and bones have been my main discomfort but they are improving too. Thank goodness for it being available to us eh. All the best. (and thanks to all you wonderful people in this thread. I haven't written but have been very blessed by reading your loving, wise and inspiring messages. Thank you)

tut30 (1)    8:39 pm, 5 Aug




tut30 I was really interested


to see you have been coping with aching joints & bones. I have just finished radiation after chemo and sore muscles and joints have been giving me a hard time and no one can tell me how long its going to last! I don't know anyone else that has suffered with this.m Still getting the hot flushes caused by chemo, but I'm not on Arimidex.

landylass (48 )    8:49 pm, 5 Aug






Bogey you will be so glad that one is behind you both. Paula Teddie has grown so much and looks lovely now he is all clipped. My s-i-l has a bf but he is getting on now. When we go stay there he spends all night bed hopping just cause there are some new inhabitants in the house! Thats great about the xbox. Joshi will be stoked!

landylass (48 )    8:53 pm, 5 Aug




three cheers for Ryan


well done . Good for you to bogey. Onwards and upwards now.xxxxxxxxx

boop2 (109 )    8:55 pm, 5 Aug




Beaut day here today...


went for a good walk today so lookout if I don't sleep tonight. Into the suppliements today so we will see if they help the aches and pains. Sonia its so neat watching your kids tackling new things. Hope the back is on the mend. Miss17 got her birthday card today from her "German Sister" and looks like they are all missing her. She announced she is going back for their summer next year. Not very keen to go back to -10! Mmm the idea was to work next year and save toward uni... I wondered how long before another trip to Germany loomed!

landylass (48 )    8:59 pm, 5 Aug




Hi everyone so tired been asleep in


my chair again. We have been so busy getting loads of sand and working out our blocks. A beautiful day in the Buller again lots of sunshine.Hi maewest does take some catching up on when you are late. Hope I last to see the rugby. Joystick , my roses are in news paper and I must admit don't look good. I soaked them in a bucket of water and planted two of them, fingers crossed.Janet pleased about Danny hope tomorrow will be a good day for him.Hi landylass I get arthritis so know what aching bones are about I have just started on cidar vinegar for them. I read the thread and it makes good reading.

boop2 (109 )    9:02 pm, 5 Aug




Hi paula and Joshi


Janet is so clever getting the games going I know you will be enjoying them.Does Cassie have a game too? Night and hugs

boop2 (109 )    9:05 pm, 5 Aug




where is farmerlloyd today


I do hope he hasn't got lost chasing those sheep. Great day in the south for us all.

boop2 (109 )    9:06 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Boop


Have you tried glucosamine?

janetmk1 (39 )    9:07 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Landylass (love your name)


Yes the treatments apparently leave us aching, as well as the Arimidex (so I gather from my Drs). They said the side effects would ease. I suddenly noticed the hot flushes and aches weren't dominating my existence as they were the first few months. Hope you will find that too, soon. It took a while too for me to no longer have the cancer dominating my every moment - a head thing! I heard myself say "My cancer...." and suddenly stopped and thought "Hey it's not MY cancer- it's THE cancer and Get Away!" Yahhhh! It was a flick in the head thing that happened. I love reading about you guys and raising the sword. We do everything possible that we can, don't we - the treatment, arimidex, positive attitude and healthy things, and then we just have to get on and LIVE. Thank you for this thread as it has helped me heaps.

tut30 (1)    9:07 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Boop


that soaking of your roses won't do them any harm. Have you cut them back? I have flicked through that cider vinegar thread too...interesting. Not the first time I have heard about it. I have had aching joints too but put it down to age!!! lol!! Might give it a go myself. Been a beautiful day too on this side of the island. Shame I was stuck inside for most of it.

maewest (79 )    9:08 pm, 5 Aug




Hi tut30


welcome to the thread. It's a great place to be part of. I agree, it's a head thing...I look forward to not being in my head most of the time!!Pleased to hear the side effects lessen with time. Are you arimidex for 5 years? Seems to be the plan at the moment.

maewest (79 )    9:12 pm, 5 Aug




Landylass, good evening to you


You sound like you are still in a lot of discomfort with your aching joints. Maybe we should all try the cider vinegar/manuka thing. Who knows?? It can't do any harm. Sounds like you have a lovely day down there too. It's just the poor old north that's copping it. Another trip to Germany coming up?? The itchy feet syndrome!!

maewest (79 )    9:14 pm, 5 Aug






aching joints and muscles not sound good. hope the alternatives help the body, i been out in the garden all afternoon havin a clean up, hubby woke up in a good mood after a bad start to the day. did miss 17 have a good birthday?? i am thinking of what to do with miss 10 for her birthday next week. for some fun for her and some friends.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:18 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Maewest


Yes I'm on the 5 year plan. At the moment it looks as if one then goes onto Tomoxafin (sp?) but who knows what exciting things might be around by then. Arimidex was a break through that got funding just as I got to the hormone pill stage. Phew!

tut30 (1)    9:20 pm, 5 Aug




And hi to everyone else


Sonia..hope you are feeling better today, especailly after a nap. Farmerlloyd..yoo hoo...where are you?? Joystik...still busy, busy. When are you going to slow down? Janet..pleased to hear that it has been a good day for Danny. Josh is in respite care for a few days and seems much better there. I think he would like to be independent of family, but doesn't have the funds (or a job!) to support it. Ups and downs! Take care.

maewest (79 )    9:20 pm, 5 Aug




Tut 30, yes it was only


partially subsidies when I started but is now fully subsidised...great. It took me a few weeks to start taking the pills..I just couldn't bring myself to do it after all the treatments. What a wuss! The biggest hassle is that you can only get it from the hospital pharmacy and then they will only supply one month at a time.

maewest (79 )    9:23 pm, 5 Aug




Hi all, my another busy day on here


and I miss out - again! Been non-stop really. Took us all afternoon to make the puppets LOL. I made Emily a mouse (that looks more like a teddybear from the front LOL) and Lydia a Rabbit. Lydia loves hers so much she's gone to sleep with it :o) Here they are with them, Emily and both girls Anyway, then Lydia went off with Neighbours to watch Alicia's dance performance, Brent went to rugby so I took Emily to Pizza Hut ;o) We all arrived home about the same time. Homes a MESS so gotta go soon sadly xoxox

soniat-d (153 )    9:25 pm, 5 Aug




Kwikaz sorry to hear that


things haven't been too good with you. I think it is actually harder for the support person to deal with sometimes. You are doing a fantastic job. New lambs soon will be a welcome distraction. (((HUGS))) to you

maewest (79 )    9:26 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Maewest


Yep feeling good this eveining thanks :o) Just got a huge pile of ironing screaming at me (has for a few days, time to sort the must-dos from the OK-withouts ;o) Lifes too short!

soniat-d (153 )    9:27 pm, 5 Aug




Wow Sonia you are such


a clever clogs. Well done. The puppets are gorgeous, as are your darling girls. Ironing...yuk. I have hidden mine in the hot water cupboard so I don't have to look at it!! lol! I will be heading off to bed soon..a long day at work tomorrow. Yip life's too short! The mundane stuff can just wait!

maewest (79 )    9:30 pm, 5 Aug




Awww I wish we had new lambs! So cute!


My parents just emailed her a pic of the grounds where they live with the wild rabbits running around over it. Lydia was soooo jealous! Poor kid wants a rabbit more than anything! This morning when getting the pressies for Brent we popped into the pet shop and they had a rabbit on a little leash hopping around the shop. Lydia was so taken by it! She came home and made a rabbit out of cardboard (3-D) and put a leash around it drawing a pattern on it just like the one she saw, and then "walked" her cardboard rabbit around the house!

soniat-d (153 )    9:30 pm, 5 Aug






What a hassle to only be able to get it from the hospital! Here in Wellington there are a number of pharmacies which are allowed to dispense it. Is it worth checking with your branch of The Cancer Society?

tut30 (1)    9:31 pm, 5 Aug




Aww Sonia you will


have to get her a real rabbit. They are not much trouble. There are some really cute one. I love the ones with the big floppy ears. Lydia obviously has your talent for making things..I'm hopeless!!

maewest (79 )    9:32 pm, 5 Aug




Hi Tut30


Welcome to the thread :o) Great tips from you, I know nothing of Arimadex (yet) touchwood!

soniat-d (153 )    9:33 pm, 5 Aug




Hi kiwikuz....


wow I knew that birthday was coming soon but it has rolled round quick. Its hard when their birthdays fall in the Winter. My kids loved having all their mates outside in the tent for a campout but a bit chilly this time of year. They both had slumber parties at 10 then a 2-3 mates to stay the night after that, DVD's, even been know to put the tent up in the bottom lounge! Did she win her netball today? Miss 17 played a game, ended up having to ref the 4th form team she coaches and other refs never turned up so she did another game after that too. Picked her up at 3.30 and she was starving! Quick dash home for food and she was away to work.

landylass (48 )    9:33 pm, 5 Aug




Tut30, not a bad thought


It was the oncologist who told me that it was only available at the hospital. I will give the Cancer Society a call this week. Thanks.

maewest (79 )    9:33 pm, 5 Aug




I want a rabbit too Maewest!


Its Brent who has said NO! ...We have no grass,at all, so it'd be a bit of a major... I'll try again in a few months - the leash thing made me think "Well, Lydia could walk the rabbit to grass!"

soniat-d (153 )    9:34 pm, 5 Aug




Sonia don't go away


another hundy looming!

maewest (79 )    9:35 pm, 5 Aug




You could line the bottom of the


hutch with straw Sonia. I think you should have a rabbit!!

maewest (79 )    9:36 pm, 5 Aug




Thanks for the welcome Soniat-d.


Thanks too for sharing your beautiful family. Puts a smile on this old granny's face every time!

tut30 (1)    9:37 pm, 5 Aug




bump for Sonias



landylass (48 )    9:37 pm, 5 Aug







landylass (48 )    9:37 pm, 5 Aug




Go Sonia



maewest (79 )    9:38 pm, 5 Aug






you still around?

landylass (48 )    9:38 pm, 5 Aug




Thank you for all replying so quickly


My Arimidex is subsidised now too, but there is only one pharmacy in Hamilton that has it cheaply, but at least I can get 3 months at a time. Interesting to hear about the aching limbs, my left hip aches terribly in bed (fine during the day) and that keeps me awake too - never thought of any connection with the Arimidex. My surgery was on the left side. Do any of you get the dry mouth at night? I am on it for 5 years. I am seeing my cancer surgeon again next month (3 monthly visits at present) so will mention it, but don't want to stop Arimidex and go onto Tamoxifen, as he said Arimidex is far better for me.

dize5 (490 )    9:39 pm, 5 Aug






Did I get it???

soniat-d (153 )    9:40 pm, 5 Aug






i agree only iron what you have do there is better things to do. a rabbit i nearly got miss 5 one for her to have her own special pet to love they are so cute and cuddly, lambs hmmm the neighbours had a orphaned one alreday and the kids wanted to bring it home and bottle feed it i had to be hard because i dont know how many we will end up with . We got 15 sheep and two are real pets that hubby named salt and pepper because he could remember that. we feed them bread every day and they talk to you at the fence. !

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:40 pm, 5 Aug






Sorry guys, was off emailing Paula, got back in the nick of time LOL!

soniat-d (153 )    9:41 pm, 5 Aug






Please don't laugh - but what is bumping and hundy??? I've at last worked out lol but the others have me stumped!

tut30 (1)    9:41 pm, 5 Aug






thanks. have a nice sleep do you have to work tommorrow?

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:42 pm, 5 Aug




LOL Tut30


Bumping... when you make a post, it moves (bumps) the thread to the top ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    9:42 pm, 5 Aug




Phew Sonia


I thought you had disappeared on us!! Another one...yay!! Dize Arimidex is fully subsidised shouldn't be paying anything! Strange about l/h surgery and hip. Mine is r/h surgery and leg! Probably coincidence.

maewest (79 )    9:43 pm, 5 Aug




Sshh who mentioned that


ironing word! Ironing isn't life threatening, it doesn't contribute to the economy, its like the sox monster but in reverse.... I'm sure there is a ironing monster who sneaks more stuff in my ironing basket before I get to the bottom of it! Best just shut the door and forget it until you see someone in your household dashing round naked then you can realise why!

landylass (48 )    9:43 pm, 5 Aug




Hey maewest I agree ;o)


Totally! Brent only wants a dog, period, but will he be the one to walk it? Noooo :o/!!! I think girl-power will win in the end!

soniat-d (153 )    9:44 pm, 5 Aug




Yes Kwikaz


12 hours tomorrow. 10am to 10pm! A long day but it gives my 3 days off (sometimes!!) during the week.

maewest (79 )    9:44 pm, 5 Aug






is when you bump the thread back up to the top when it gets down the list and hundy is a hundred i guess. landylass yep miss 10 won today she has really clicked with the netball in last couple of weeks and apparently they are in the final regardless to the results of next week game.managed to get hubby down to watch her last week, he was able to work out where she was and keep up a little. she had a smile on her face to see dad and nana there so was pleased for her.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:45 pm, 5 Aug




Good girl Sonia


Girlpower!! Yes!! Dogs are a lot more work than bunnies..cuter too. Landylass you crack me up!!

maewest (79 )    9:46 pm, 5 Aug






lol i have visons of them all at your house now running round naked at 8am on monday looking for sox and the like lol heee hee!!

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:48 pm, 5 Aug




I'm off now


The man is hovering over my shoulder wanting to get into his chat room....steam engines!!! How boring!! This is much more fun. Nitey nite everyone XXXXXXXXX

maewest (79 )    9:48 pm, 5 Aug




Thats a long day maewest


but I guess its easier getting home later at night than having a really early start in the morning. Enjoy your days off.

landylass (48 )    9:48 pm, 5 Aug




Its goodnight from me too


Off to do... whatever...?!

soniat-d (153 )    9:50 pm, 5 Aug




LOL Landylass


I like your style! Boooo to ironing! I stopped doing it and the world did not die! In fact my girls then learned how to do it and my husband too!!!! You go Girl!

tut30 (1)    9:50 pm, 5 Aug






dogs are a lot of work. we have two labs too. go for girl power and have a cute wee bunny. you dont have to walk them!!

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:51 pm, 5 Aug




Hi everyone, it is a bit late for chatting here


and there are so many pages I need to read to catch up on all the news sure moves at quite a pace. Been off tonight with my family to the local operatic society production in our little town of Gore " The Sound of Music " Was a good evening of entertainment. Am finished with the chasing of the sheep at the moment. A last minute change of plans now means that the 100 ewes I was going to keep for lambing this year are now destined to be sold this coming week. I had the scanning man go through the mob on Friday to sort out the dries from the inlamb ones. ( same as an ultrasound used in hospitals) So it looks as if lambing will be a non event here once more !

farmerlloyd (24 )    12:09 am, 6 Aug




All sensible people will be asleep now


and it is about time I was also !!! Nite nite everyone ..

farmerlloyd (24 )    12:11 am, 6 Aug




Good morning everyone


WAKE UP!!! Wah! Wah! I want to be asleep too! Work beckons. You will all probably be back in bed by the time I get on here tonight!! I must be mad!! Hope you all have a loverly day. Talk to you tonight XXX

maewest (79 )    8:36 am, 6 Aug




Morning all :o)


Yes I know dogs are a lot of work! Life here is way too hectic for one of those ;o) We really don't have a property for pets (except a cat, but Brent doesn't like cats). #sigh# Anyway, another gloomy morning here sadly - grey and drizzly. We're off down to the in-laws this morning for a brunch - the first of Brents birthday things, even though it isn't till Tuesday. My lumpy area feels awful this morning dammit, sore and lumpy. Have decided will ring my breast surgeon on Monday and discuss it, maybe get her to give it a good feel and see what she thinks. Anyway, hope you all have a good morning :o)

soniat-d (153 )    8:41 am, 6 Aug




Goodmorning all


I was going to try and beat you Maewest, by putting the first post up for the day But she won. Have a good day at work I have work also but thankfully not the huge 12 hour shift that you have. Beautiful day here AGAIN no clouds no wind and lots of sun

farmerlloyd (24 )    8:44 am, 6 Aug




Morning one and all


Please note I did not say GOOD morning. The weather in Hamilton is absolutely foul. It has rained all night, and doesn't look like letting up. Please joystik don't write and tell me you have brilliant sunshine!!! Our weather has been stink all the week, at least it is not foggy I suppose. It is my husband Tom's 68th birthday today, we are having a family dinner tonight at Grillers Restaurant in Hamilton, so that will be lovely. Have a good day everyone.

dize5 (490 )    9:06 am, 6 Aug




good morning all


your right sonia yucky weather outside. We had a very restless night with vomiting and out the other end, but the tube stayed down.He feels yucky today but i think its because his tummys empty, he not eating and his NG feed is only 5mls an hour at the moment until we can get him to tolorate it. Sonia I better get my A into G and see i i can pop out and get randal something as well, he will understand if i cant..

bogeyi (484 )    9:07 am, 6 Aug




Awwww bogeyi poor Ryan!


He's not having much fun is he poor lad. I still think its hilarious that Brent and Randall have the same birthday! Could you get him vouchers maybe (Westfield/Music/Whitcoulls/Garden?) Brent loves getting vouchers so he can chosse what he wants himself. I haven't given him those though LOL

soniat-d (153 )    9:14 am, 6 Aug




hopefully i can pop out for an hour or so


today, but im going to order those dial a chocolate cakes where they deliver the mosy yummy mud cake for about $35.

bogeyi (484 )    9:17 am, 6 Aug




Hi all!


'Sunny Hawke's Bay' is less than sunny today - to say the least! Rain rain go away! Poor Ryan - I am glad he kept his NG tube down though. What a brave wee boy! Bogeyi - the cake sounds awesome, and $35 is pretty good! Sonia - what sort of pain do your lumps give you? Is it an achey pain, or a sharp pain or something else? I get alot of pain on my mastectomy site and believe it is 'phantom pain' like amputees get. I have read about this befrore. Could it be that??? Poor you - it's not fair aye.

meridian1 (300 )    9:46 am, 6 Aug




Joystick - my babies ......


Here is Phoebe and Lennon I wonder what the weather is like where you are? I do hope it is better than here xxxx

meridian1 (300 )    10:03 am, 6 Aug




Morning everyone.....I'm sorry to have to report


to you all that once again, the Southland area is again bathed in beautiful warm sunshine. We had a brilliant white frost but the sun had melted that all alway now and the day is stunning. Sorry you guys further up are getting so much dreary stuff. I would send you some sunshine if I could, please believe me, I would!! I'm never home i seems, and am out again shortly, so I better get cracking hadn't I. Will talk again later though.....Have a great day everyone...

joystik (285 )    10:04 am, 6 Aug




Hi Paula


I was suprised also that the xbox games don't work on 360 with out modification. What a money making ploy huh! I guess you'll need 360 games to get the full appreciation of the better graphics. I hope you all have a great day today - give joshi and cassie a hug for me - they are adorable kids! How is Joshi doing? I hope he is tolerating the chemo and not getting too much grief with the side effects.

meridian1 (300 )    10:07 am, 6 Aug






hugs to ryan, hope things improve today for him ,

kiwikaz3 (10 )    10:17 am, 6 Aug




meridian 1


had a look at your pics your kids are great. i had a silly night last night listening to mr 13 and dad enjoying a movie. there was deep belly laughs from both and it was music to my soul to hear. after the ups and downs of the last few days with the mood swings etc.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    10:22 am, 6 Aug




Aww Kiwikaz


that's cool! Don't you just love those deep belly laughs. That kind of joy is infectious too ;-)

meridian1 (300 )    10:32 am, 6 Aug






I see you also have a 10yr old daughter who plays netball. My daughter's team won 27:7 on Saturday. They haven't lost a game this season! Sounds like your daughter's team are a bunch of pretty good players too. How lovely that her dad came to see her play, she must have been so chuffed! I hope this coming week will be a good one! (((( HUGS )))) to you!

meridian1 (300 )    10:40 am, 6 Aug




Hi Kiwikaz, Meridian, Bogeyi, Sonia, Joystik


Kiwikaz I bet the laughter was music to your ears!!! Thats great. Meridian - BEAUTIFUL children!!!! They are just gorgeous! Thanks yes mmmm the xbox, I dont know what I think about the whole thing! Josh is doing ok, I just took the two kids to school to have a play on the awesome playground. Josh is not feeling energetic but at least I got him out. Bogeyi, sorry you have such a crappy night. Hope Ryan is better today? Thinking of everyone xox

paulaxx (78 )    12:36 pm, 6 Aug




Sonia, Landylass, Maewest. Boop, Farmerlloyd


and anyone else Ive forgotten - HI Big wave. Sonia - bugga about your sore bits again hope the specialist can ease your mind tomorrow. Best wishes xoxo Josh just said his back up wish would have been now he knows all the ladies with breast cancer dont get a wish - would be that you all got a wish like the kids do. ;O) What a lovely thought

paulaxx (78 )    12:39 pm, 6 Aug




Hi All


Well Brent just copped a feel over that area and agreed it doesn't feel good, given our luck with birthdays, and his due in 2 days, I think its bad news. I'll call the specialist tomorrow. I'm bummed :o(

soniat-d (153 )    1:30 pm, 6 Aug




Oh Sonia


Im so sorry your going through this again. Will keep fingers, toes and everything else crossed. Thinking of you and sending you all the strength in the world. Happy birthday to Brent. Huge(((((HUGS))))) & lots of warm fuzzies!!!!! Keep strong, love Claire XOXOXO

cole2 (367 )    2:00 pm, 6 Aug






That is just awful. I know it is hard, but stay strong. No news is good news at this stage. It is much easier said than done to put bad thoughts away, but you have loving vibes from so many people here. Sword high!!

dize5 (490 )    2:33 pm, 6 Aug






Sword up my friend. HUGE but gently ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxox

paulaxx (78 )    2:36 pm, 6 Aug




Thanks Ladies


And so the game begins again - if you guys felt it you'd know, its just hard lumps all over, little ones, and the one I usually feel feels bigger. I can't quite believe it, but deep down, I know, as I have for a few days now, have just been hanging on hope. Can hang onto that for another day or few ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    3:04 pm, 6 Aug






(((Hugsss))) This must be the most torturous part of cancer, where it plays a million tricks with your mind and for various reasons, your body too.The waiting to see each day if its getting worse or better and if its going will it come back and will it be picked up in time.I remember all the thoughts like it was yesterday and it really sux big time.Maybe it would be good to see your specialist every week for a while just to get the reassurance to help you through this time. I wish there was something we could do or say to make it easier for you.

janetmk1 (39 )    3:14 pm, 6 Aug






Here you are sending out good vibes to all the other thread friends yet all you can do is think the worst for youself. Positive vibes only please - you deserve it. The mind is a powerful thing and you really need to be positive...

zhapod (0 )    4:11 pm, 6 Aug




I'm really not thinking the worst for myself


Was so convinced the vit C was working, can't escape the discomfort in that area - an all too familiar feeling :o/!!! But thanks, just plugging on... as you do ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    5:10 pm, 6 Aug






Hope your day has been as ok as it can be in that place. Love and hugs to you - The kids were so happy Ryan thought the message was cool. xoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    5:15 pm, 6 Aug






Just wanted to say hope you can have a restful night. Thinking of you. Love and a warm cuddly hug from us xoxoxoxo ;o)

paulaxx (78 )    5:17 pm, 6 Aug




Thank you Janet :o)


You said some wonderful things - Right on the money! Only trouble is we're flying out this Sunday! Talk about cutting it fine! I'm sad for you that you know the thoughts and worries I have first-hand. I only think those who have had a recurrence can truly understand what its like. I had so much faith and optimism first time around, its quite depleted at the mo, but I'll get up again ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    5:51 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Bogeyi and Paula :o)


How are your dear boys getting on today? xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    5:51 pm, 6 Aug




Thanks also to Cole2 and Dize5


I appreciate all the positive vibes and hugs. Thank you :o)

soniat-d (153 )    5:53 pm, 6 Aug







missymuffit (3 )    5:59 pm, 6 Aug






keep strong although that easy for me to say. and i sure you get sick of people saying that to you. i know its hard to keep the bad thoughts away especially at night time when the busyness of the day is gone. we go through the same thing here some days with the seizures wondering if the tumor is growing again. having something to look forward to seems to help us. keep you going. at the moments its the lambs a first for us. hugs and happy vibes to you to keep those negative vibes away. cancer sure is a roller coaster ride u never know when the next dip or turn is going to be?

kiwikaz3 (10 )    6:04 pm, 6 Aug




Hi sonia big hugs to you


you are one strong lady we have only met a few times and I can tell from the chats we had. Do you think that because of the timing (birthday) that you may be a bit more anxious as its also a special day......does that make sense...

bogeyi (484 )    6:23 pm, 6 Aug




well our shit night has carried on all day


he has been sick a few times today very mucusy and i think thats whats upsetting his tummy, not eating being NG fed but only havinh 5mls an hour so when we stopped it he had about 38mls (hardly anything), hes also going out the other end and now his poor wee bottom is sore looks like maybe ulcers, we have just given some morphine and hes having a wee nap. Hes not complaining though i had to push to get him to say yes to the morphine hes suc a good boy.

bogeyi (484 )    6:27 pm, 6 Aug






oh poop was wondering how your day was. hugs to you and ryan. how are you going? hanging in there. so hard to watch, are you able to get a wee break from the hospital for 5? will be hoping for a better day for you guys tommorrow.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    6:30 pm, 6 Aug




kiwikaz hi


I did go out for 2hrs today to get Randals present and i was flying through the shops, he was getting pretty anxious for me to return by the time i got back......I'm fine at least i can walk over to get coffee or go for a walk outside which is all i need.

bogeyi (484 )    7:00 pm, 6 Aug




So are you happy with what you got for Randall


Bogeyi? Hope so! Sorry to hear poor Ryans still battling away with all these complications. Damn! Glad they gave him Morphine - what a godsend that can be ;o) Hoping like anything that he gets a better night tonight xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    7:20 pm, 6 Aug




I am he will probally go oh


Got him trendy clothes sick of his old stuff so to bad, actually he was saying a few weeks ago he needs new clothes he was feeling so

bogeyi (484 )    7:22 pm, 6 Aug




Its funny Bogeyi you're the second one who


asked if I was anxious/stressed at the mo!? No I don't think so, I've been CHILLING big time! I knew Brent was feeling superstitious about his birthday with everything, but we figured the bad news, if at all, would come after we got back from Fiji (scans on Liver etc). I wasn't too worried about that either, figuring "what will be will be". This area's just gotten sorer lately, as I've mentioned on this thread from time to time, making me feel it more... Even so, no stress levels really - I was STRESSED a couple of years back, suspect thats what started all this, STRESSED again during second chemo (so cancer followed both those stressfull episodes) but since April, nope, I'm like an island, surrounded by calm, and all the bad stuff is happening over there on the mainland, if you know what I mean ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    7:28 pm, 6 Aug






Hey maybe everything's fine, I keep telling myself its the radiated area, people said it would go lumpy, and that the lumps would swell and shrink as they die, still hoping that is all this is. Fingers majorly crossed!

soniat-d (153 )    7:28 pm, 6 Aug




Cool :o)


Where'd you go shopping out of interest? Any great mens stores I don't yet know about? ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    7:29 pm, 6 Aug




just went to st lukes


it was speed shopping, didnt mean to sound you were stressed after talking to you i can see your not, but worried yes...just wondered if the birthday makes it more an anxious time.

bogeyi (484 )    7:35 pm, 6 Aug






Bugga!!!! Poor Ryan. Thats not fiar last thing you guys need is a sore bot on top of it all. They gave Josh some awesome cream for his tail when he was in hospital, have they given Ryan anything??? I am glad you got out to get Randal's pressie I bet you feel like thats something else you have achieved?? I hope you both have a restful night? Are you getting disturbed much in the night???

paulaxx (78 )    7:37 pm, 6 Aug




AWWW Sonia


Tomorrow cant come quick enough can it. Picture Mel Gibson from Braveheart holding up your sword tonight whilst your sleeping, he will take over for you while you rest. Hope that made you smile for a second. Take care xo

paulaxx (78 )    7:39 pm, 6 Aug






Just wondering how your day has been? Hope is all ok at your place?????????????? Thinking of you - still think your great for the xbox thing!!!!!! xo

paulaxx (78 )    7:41 pm, 6 Aug




paula im getting enough to survive


they gave him some cavilon cream. How are the kids tonight.

bogeyi (484 )    7:42 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Bogeyi


*Grins and Waves*. Cass hates going to bed so thats a struggle every night. Joshi goes to bed fine just getting him off to sleep thats the prob, not sure if its the steroids as well now. He is looking very peaky tonight, his legs ache off and on and he said he jus feels yucky. He has this hideous veruca (sp)too that has troubled him for months now but just lately its too much for him so I mentioned it to the drs and now every night for the next 3 months I am applying stuff to it - to kill it! Just one more thing for the poor kid. Does the morphine make Ryan sleep???

paulaxx (78 )    7:46 pm, 6 Aug






How are Kirsty and Tyler - I know they cant visit with Ryan but do they come and sneak a visit with you. it must be hard I know what its like for Cass and Chris.

paulaxx (78 )    7:47 pm, 6 Aug




Hey Sonia


been thinking of you heaps this weekend. Keep on with those positive thoughts. I will keep my fingers (arms, toes, legs & everything else) crossed for you! Marcelle

musicmumofone (8)    8:00 pm, 6 Aug




Awwww Thanks Marcelle


My third cousin by marriage LOL ;o) I appreciate that!

soniat-d (153 )    8:11 pm, 6 Aug




LOL Paula ;o)


Yumm... got a good mental image in my head now LOL!

soniat-d (153 )    8:12 pm, 6 Aug




Hey bogeyi ;o)


No worries ;o) I know thats what you meant :o) Nope, taking it all way too easy LOL Just realised today I haven't organised travel insurance or transfers yet, or booked the restaurant for our dinner on Friday LOL #shrugs# Ah well! OK off to bathe the girlies, think Brent and I are kicking back to watch a movie tonight. Have a nice evening all ;o) xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    8:17 pm, 6 Aug







paulaxx (78 )    8:17 pm, 6 Aug




Im off for tonight too


Night all.

paulaxx (78 )    8:18 pm, 6 Aug




Hi everyone!! Or probably NO- ONE by now!!.....


I'm so late getting here again. See to have been dashing round all day doing stuff and just haven't been near the computer. By the time I get here there is almost 100 posts to read to see what everone else is doinf first. Hope you allhad a good day anyway, like I did...

joystik (285 )    8:43 pm, 6 Aug




Bogei Hi, and sorry to see that things aren't ....


going quite so well right now. Hopefully it will be just a wee minor hiccup and things will be much better tomorrow. All in all its bad enough for Ryan without having a sore bum as well isnt it. Just so long as theycan give him stuff for relief of it. How long before you know that it has transplanted ok?? And a special birthday this week as well? You've got just enough happening havent you?? ((((HUGS)))) to you all but especially you and Ryan. I think about you often....

joystik (285 )    8:47 pm, 6 Aug






good to hear you had a good day it was such a nice day here in the south was it not. landylass how has your day been today and what you been up too? hope the aches and pains are better today? hubby decided he wanted to go out today so was nice to get out and about for a home late and had to have fishinchips for tea!!!! not that the kids where complaining. :)

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:03 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Paula :)


The verruca on Josh, try treating it twith the inside (white part) of a banana skin. Just cut a square piece out of the skin about enough to totally cover it, white part on the verruca. Put it on every night with a plaster and take it off every morning. This works far faster than the stuff from the doctors :))

janetmk1 (39 )    9:11 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Sonia sorry to have missed you again, and


sorry also that you are distressed about your 'lumpy area'. Only you will really know how it feels and how different it is from day to day, but all I can offer you is love and support and just tell you that I am here for you to listen to your concerns. Hopefully after you have seen the specialist you will know what is happening there, and will have peace of mind before you head off for your holiday. I know before I had my op I was feeling the lump all the time, and sometimes, especially in the early stages, it would feel so different sometimes from one day to the next. Hope you are enjoying your movie and special time with Brent tonight. Is his birthday on Tuesday?? I guess tomorrow you will be busy organising a special day for him. Special ((((HUGS)))) for you Sonia. Talk to you tomorrow....

joystik (285 )    9:15 pm, 6 Aug




Kiwikaz, today was fabulous wasn't it?? Pleased


you were able to get out and about for a nice drive. We went to Riverton for Church meeting this morning and it was so lovely down there too and the sea as flat as. Any lambs yet?? There are getting to be quite a few about now and lots of daffodils out in the paddocks now too.. Such a lovely time of the year isn't it. Glad you daughter enjoyed her netball. Enjoy the rest of your evening and see you again tomorrow....

joystik (285 )    9:18 pm, 6 Aug




Thanks Joystik :o)


Brent's just doing something on the PC beside me - hopefully we'll be chilling soon, or else I'll be doing it on my own! ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    9:21 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Janet, hope you have had a good day today.


Hows your boys today Janet?? Hope all is still going well enough. Depression is such a crippling thing , and very difficult to treat. Like others have said and you will well know, ost of it is one step forward and two backwards. I just hope and pray that Danny will soon be able to see light at the end of the tunnel and special purpose for his life. Take care Janet and see you tomorrow too....

joystik (285 )    9:22 pm, 6 Aug




Sonia, did you manage to get one of those wee ....


pillows from the Cancer Society??

joystik (285 )    9:23 pm, 6 Aug




I have had a peaceful day...


thanks Paula, Kids have been quiet today as Danny was up at 3 am playing an organised tournament with his friends but its knocked him a bit today. Jordan is quiet as he always seems to be just before vertigo sets in and Ryan has been busy playing his games. I have a 1000 picture theatre seats to get rid of so have been busy talking to different people today who might want some of them.But apart from that I have spent a very peaceful sunday in front of the fire :))

janetmk1 (39 )    9:24 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Joystik :))


Looks like its just you and me tonight. Sounds like your one very busy lady. Good on you :)) I hope you have a great week!!

janetmk1 (39 )    9:26 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Janet, I think you're awesome :o)


So helpful and supportive to us all :o) I was thinking of you today as my s-i-l was talking about her friend whose husband has a brain tumor. They removed 80% of it, and he's completed radiation treament. Now they're playing the waiting game until their scan appointment comes up, to see what's what. He is apparently coping really well with the whole thing (defiant of the odds and very positive) but she's very depressed and not coping at all. I've mentioned several times if she'd like to call me or Brent to vent/chat we'd love to help, but so far she hasn't. Weird thing mentioned today - apparently he left radiation without being given any meds or anything to take, and apparently he should have been given a few things?! Slipped thru the cracks apparently. Hope they're being sorted out well now. They are living somewhere in the Napier/Gisborne area... not sure where. Anyway Janet, I'm rambling... thinking of you often and hoping things go as well as they possibly can xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    9:30 pm, 6 Aug




Nope Joystik


Still on my to-do list! With my back I've adjusted to sleeping on my back now, so don't really need the pillow at the mo, but will be asking them next time I'm in there ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    9:32 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Paula and Joshi, What a wonderful day aye??


Hope you spent it doing what ever pleased you most. I bet Teddy was chilly this morning, well at least he would have been here, with the white frost we had. Is a verruca like a hard corn thing on your foot?? I used to have one on the side of my little toe, but it seems to have gone, with out any medical intervention. Glad you have got the xbox sussed for Josh. I have to go for another Interview, probably on Tuesday, with another senior person from the same company, so I thought that seems more promising. Apparently my profile came back the second time and he was very pleased.......I have been out with my friend doing some real estate stuff today actually, not that I'm allowed to really!! Noting major, just putting up signs and stuff like that. Went for a bike ride too, in the sun and it was lovely. Hope Josh feels better tomorrow. I think about you all ots Paula...Hope you all have a good sleep, and see you again tomorrow. ((((HUGS))))

joystik (285 )    9:34 pm, 6 Aug




Glad the weathers still lovely for you there


Joystik, its still raining here, may have to canoe Lydia to school tomorrow LOL

soniat-d (153 )    9:36 pm, 6 Aug




Sonia, I will send you one of mine...I don't need


two actually. You can only lay on one side at a time....I will pop it in the post for you tomorrow, OK??

joystik (285 )    9:37 pm, 6 Aug




Thanks Sonia


I do hope the friend of your s-i-l can get some help as its something that is very hard to fight alone, especially with the worries she has. I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow at the drs, time to break the birthday jinx with some good news. (( hugggs and strength for you tomorrow Sonia ))

janetmk1 (39 )    9:51 pm, 6 Aug




Sonia, I dont think the weather is forecast to be


quite like today, but still not raining I dont think, and then sunny again Tuesday. You have had your fair share for now, of everything, including rain.....

joystik (285 )    10:01 pm, 6 Aug




Re 1889 :o)


Awww Joystik :o) Really? Are you sure about that? That would be awesome, but only if you reallly don't need it! Thanks :o) PS At first I thought you were talking about a canoe LOL!

soniat-d (153 )    10:08 pm, 6 Aug




I know Janet


Thats my thoughts also, I do think she is battling alone (only exception being her neighbour who is in terminal stages of the same thing... WT?!) What's the chances of that? NOT helping her me thinks!

soniat-d (153 )    10:10 pm, 6 Aug




Hi Meridian, I gues you will be in bed like most


other people. Just wanted to say your children are beautiful. Thanks for showing us your babies, now we know who they are when you speak of them. Those sharp pains you get in the area of your operation are apparently caused by nerve damage that occurs during the operation. I used to get them quite a bit and the Oncologist told me what it was about. I haven't had any for a while now though and they do go over time according to him. It was 3 months yesterday since my op. Hope you have had a good day anyway Meridian, and I will see you agai tomorrow....((((HUGS))))

joystik (285 )    10:10 pm, 6 Aug




If it soon doesn't stop raining Sonia, you may


need a canoe as well.!!!!

joystik (285 )    10:14 pm, 6 Aug




Dont go away Sonia, theres another hundy looming



joystik (285 )    10:15 pm, 6 Aug




Well everyone, I'm off to bed now. Been another


busy day. Haven't had a chat to everyone tonight have I. Its my neice's birthday today, she lives in Otorohonga. She got a web cam for her birthday so tonight I could see her as she talked to me which was rather nice, and hear her too. Her Mum, my S-I-L was there too. A wee family reunion!!

joystik (285 )    10:17 pm, 6 Aug




Just got back ;o)


Hey how come I always gotta take 'em?! ;o) LOL

soniat-d (153 )    10:17 pm, 6 Aug




bringing it closer



bogeyi (484 )    10:18 pm, 6 Aug




OK well here goes...


Big hugs to all of you. You amke this jorney so much easier - bless you all :o) xoxoxoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    10:19 pm, 6 Aug




Cos they are specially for you Sonia, thats why!!



joystik (285 )    10:19 pm, 6 Aug




gawd I hope someone gets it and not


those hundy hunters

bogeyi (484 )    10:19 pm, 6 Aug




I got it?


Albeit with yet another typo LOL!

soniat-d (153 )    10:20 pm, 6 Aug




Hya Bogeyi :o)


How are things this evening?

soniat-d (153 )    10:21 pm, 6 Aug




Yeah Bogeyi, I always think that too, when its


someone that never posts in our thread, and then lurks and grabs the hundys....Hope things are OK with you and Ryan tonight and he is feeling a little better.....

joystik (285 )    10:21 pm, 6 Aug




Better go this time....NITE NITE to you all......


especially Maewest,Boop,Farmerlloyd, Icarus, minx, Cole, Dize, Oh and happy Birthday to Dize's husband for today too, corvette3 and Trishm, and Landylass. There were heaps of you I hadn't sent a special message too. But I thought about you all today just the same. Have a great sleep and a good day tomorrow. Hopefully a sunny one.....((((HUGS)))) to you all....

joystik (285 )    10:24 pm, 6 Aug




hes sitting up first time in hours


loking a bit better, but just had a wave of nausea, temp is rising..

bogeyi (484 )    10:25 pm, 6 Aug




Waves to Sonia and Bogeyi.................


Bye bye.............

joystik (285 )    10:25 pm, 6 Aug




Oh sorry to hear that Bogeyi, hope it doesn't go


up too much....Good luck and keep smiling wont you.....

joystik (285 )    10:26 pm, 6 Aug




Uh oh...


Well I'm still here, thinking of you and Ryan. (((((((hugs))))))) to you both and fingers crossed xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    10:27 pm, 6 Aug




I'm still on the PC for a while


I'm just working on the side sorting pics for a photo frame I got for Brent (he said he wanted another one for work) - Tad tricky while he's sitting right beside me LOL! Got the screen tilted away from him, does he suspect?!

soniat-d (153 )    10:28 pm, 6 Aug




Aww bogeyi


Hopefully you're both happily asleep now ;o) I'm off too, night all xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    11:26 pm, 6 Aug




Goond morning Sonia


Wishing you all the best today. Thinking of you and sending strength, warm fuzzies and HUGE (((((HUGS)))) XOXOXOXOXOX

cole2 (367 )    8:19 am, 7 Aug




Oops bugger, should read


GOOD Morning!!!!!! hehe

cole2 (367 )    8:20 am, 7 Aug




Thanks Cole2 :o)


Butterflies have set up camp in my tum... getting girls ready for school, then will call...

soniat-d (153 )    8:24 am, 7 Aug




Oh gee Sonia,


please know we are ALL here for you,(do you want me to get out the old butterfly net?) It's a shame we can only give cyber (((HUGS))) but they are genuine. Fingers crossed for good news. Big (((hugs))) to the girls also, XOXOXOXOX

cole2 (367 )    8:31 am, 7 Aug




Have been thinking


about you heaps Sonia, all the weekend, and today (as well as all our other friends on here). The monster has certainly made a massive impact on our lives, hasn't it? Even when the monster has gone, we are all affected both physically and mentally for ever. Good that we have this fellowship together.

dize5 (490 )    8:56 am, 7 Aug




Good Luck Sonia with those


lumps. Big hugs Ryan is on the up today too. Grr the weather here has turned back to Winter with more snow predicted and I have to go to Dunedin for my heart scan. Hope the weatherman has got it wrong again. Its bucketing down here. Also taking Mr14 to the optician. He has broken the frame of his glasses and is as blind as a bat without them so can't post them down. Could be an expensive day! Hope everyone has got the heating up and the wellies at the ready!

landylass (48 )    8:59 am, 7 Aug




Thanks guys :o)


Just called and left a message (she's in with a patient) If she doesn't call back by 10am I'll call my oncologist. Gotta get onto it ;o) OK off soon to back massage (braces for the yowee!)... So true dize - don't know where I'd be without all you guys :o) Thanks so much xoxoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    9:00 am, 7 Aug






hope you hear soon about your job. Good luck.

landylass (48 )    9:00 am, 7 Aug




Oh Sonia enjoy getting the back


fixed! You just reminded me to go book in for a massage this week and help the aching bones! Miss17 gave me a voucher for mothers day and I haven't had a chance to use it yet. Treat for the week!

landylass (48 )    9:02 am, 7 Aug






good luck with the heart scan hope you get good news. we are thinking of you down here and catch you in a email later in the day:) boys hey they are good at costing you money, hopefully not to much today, yeah weather not good at all today. safe travels.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:03 am, 7 Aug






thinking of you today too. hugs to you from the south.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:04 am, 7 Aug




i woke up this morning


to miss 10 organising miss 5 for school she was busy getting her dressed and doing her hair. such a wee mother dont you love kids. :)miss 5 wasnt coperating at all so lay bed for a bit longer and had a wee laugh.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    9:07 am, 7 Aug




Good Morning :))


Yucky wet day here too!!Bring on summer!! I hope everyone has a good day today. Good Luck Sonia, will be thinking of you today and waiting to hear some good news :))

janetmk1 (39 )    9:13 am, 7 Aug




sonia will be thinking of you today



bogeyi (484 )    9:16 am, 7 Aug




what a night last night


between 7 and 12pm he was yucky, about 11.30 he was so sick he was green, poor bugger trying to deal with the nausea this is the worst part and the other end to. Midnight we gave some morphine for the pain and he had a good sleep till 3am then up again at 5.30 so had a pretty good night. Hes now asleep had some more morphine for his tongue its sore.

bogeyi (484 )    9:21 am, 7 Aug




Hi all, wet weather in HB again today ....


and I'm having a 'sick day' off. Rang the parents of the boys I look after - don't want to pass my bugs on to them. I'm not feeling too bad but last night .... talk about cough! SONIA - we are all trying to cheer you up, and be positive (because you mean so much to everyone here). Remember, we are shoulders for you. You are allowed to break down, vent, rave and let it all out! I wonder whether sometimes you hold back because you are worried about upsetting others, or bringing the positive 'vibe' down, and if that's the case, you musn't. We are all here for you Sonia, and I think it is safe to say, we all share a love for you - for everything you are.

meridian1 (300 )    9:29 am, 7 Aug




Hi bogeyi


I just wish i could click my shoes together and this would all be over for you and Ryan with perfect results. All I can do is offer prayers, my love and support. Hope today is a good one!

meridian1 (300 )    9:33 am, 7 Aug






thanks for the lovely compliments on my kids - I think they're gorgeous. I should have posted pics of them smiling though. I realised afterwards that neither pics are smiling ones, and they have such winning smiles! Good luck with your second interview - gotta be a good sign. I can imagine you would have no trouble winning anyone over.

meridian1 (300 )    9:36 am, 7 Aug






My 10year old is a real mothering type to! You should see her with the littlies I look after. It's really cute, because they love her and she dotes after them. How's your household today?

meridian1 (300 )    9:38 am, 7 Aug




Oh bogey


What can I say? Sending you hugs.

dize5 (490 )    9:41 am, 7 Aug




thanks guys


i must say its the hardest thing to watch your kids go through pain, but so far hes not as sick as i thought he would get, still early and may get worse but so far hes coping really well.

bogeyi (484 )    9:44 am, 7 Aug




Joystick ...


found this little write-up on phantom pain and sensation in mastectomy patients. Does anyone else on here have this? I have (even almost 2 years on) pain and severe itching. Thankfully neither usually last long - just a couple of minutes at the most.

meridian1 (300 )    9:58 am, 7 Aug




oops - forgot the link

meridian1 (300 )    9:59 am, 7 Aug




Hi everyone


Just popping in briefly. Have to be out the door again shortly. Have just caught up on all the reading. Sonia, my thoughts are with you today (and every day). Let's hope that it is the radiation causing those lumps to come and go. You enjoy your massage...try and RELAX! You really are an inspiration to us all. I do reiterate what Meridian has is okay not to be strong sometimes and use us as your sounding post. We all luv ya ((((HUGS)))) XXXX

maewest (79 )    10:05 am, 7 Aug




Bogey, if that's a good


night I dread to think what a bad night is like! Poor wee's so hard. I do hope he is a bit better today. So hard for you too Bogey. I know myself when something happens with my kids that I feel their pain. On the other hand I also share their joys. Stay strong and know that we are all there on your shoulder. Big ((((HUGS)))) to you and your family especially to you and Ryan. XXXX

maewest (79 )    10:12 am, 7 Aug




hello all


been awol in the glorious sunshine of queensland, bit of a shock to come home to all the wet and cold tho. Just doing a catch up on all the posts, can't believe its nearly at 2000 already.

sunbeamnz (73 )    10:18 am, 7 Aug




Hi everyone, Thinking of you all just now, and


especially you Sonia. Hope to hear bettwr news from you later. Hi Bogeyi, glad you and Ryan got some sleep at least last night. Hi Landylass, hope the heart test go fine and the news is all good.'s are expensive aren't they. My friend in CHCH just went for an eye test, needed new specs, decided to go for new frames as well seeing they had 50% off, and walked out with a bill for $860!! Hi Paula and Josh...hope all is well with you today. You North Island people will be pleased to know that it is raining here today and much cooler, like about 9 deg or so. I'm off out for morning tea with a friend, to visit a lady who is having a birthday today, and has just had the mst terrible run of bad luck. Here's hoping we can cheer her up....See you again soon....((((HUGS))))

joystik (285 )    10:18 am, 7 Aug




Paula all ot the above


goes for you too. How are Joshi's aches and pains today? Janet's banana skin theory sounds worth a try for his veruca (Sp?). They are very good for roses so why wouldn't they be good for that too! How are Cassie's newly pierced ears? I bet she is is keen to try all sorts of different earrings. Dear wee button. Hope you all have a lovely day. The weather here is horrible. We were going to get away for a couple of days this week, but we may leave it til the weather picks up. Will decide tomorrow.XXXXXXX

maewest (79 )    10:19 am, 7 Aug




Joystik I


luv ya. Off to cheer someone else up! Good girl. Have fun. Bet you are looking forward to tomorrow. Hope they don't make you wait any longer. Good luck. XXX

maewest (79 )    10:21 am, 7 Aug




Landylass thinking of


you today too. The results will be good...I just know!!! Take care on those roads today. Sounds like this nasty weather is everywhere today. I really have to fly. Hi to everyone else...Kwikaz, Boop, Farmerlloyd, Meridian, Dize, Janet, Sunbeamz. Sorry to those I have missed. I will check in tonight if I am not too tired! Have a lovely day everyone XXX

maewest (79 )    10:24 am, 7 Aug




Hi all :o)


Thanks for all the kind words, I think todays going to be a vent day sorry :o/ Emotions overload! Left message with my breast surgeon, then went to massage. As soon as she started I erupted into tears - poor girl didn't know what to do! Surgeon hasn't called back yet, so have left message for my oncologist and have been assured he'll call soon. Thanks all, I'll be fine, just in that emotional "what's next" stage... but also getting demanding - right, need CT scan this week, and next to meet to discuss my wants before I leave so they acn all make the plan while I'm away.

soniat-d (153 )    11:16 am, 7 Aug




vent away sonia


that is why we are here, let it out as it will make you feel better..

bogeyi (484 )    11:43 am, 7 Aug




Bumping with crossed fingers


for Sonia. Thinking of you XOXOXOX

cole2 (367 )    1:05 pm, 7 Aug




Hi All


Been said before weather yucky, just thinking about you all especially Sonia and Ryan. Hi Bogeyi. You guys are doing amazingly considering!!!!! Sonia heres a gently but very meaningful cuddle coming ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) we are here for you xoxoxoxo

paulaxx (78 )    1:13 pm, 7 Aug




Hi everyone :o)


OK so have talked to oncologist and booked my CT scan for Friday morning. Was the earliest they could do. That's probably best anyway, as Vernon has my previous scan slides in being "downloaded into the system" so has to get those back, then meet with me to give them to me (and tlak to me), before that appointment. OK back later, gotta put Emmy to bed ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:14 pm, 7 Aug






how josh doing today? have you got all his games working or only one?

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:15 pm, 7 Aug




Hi Maewest, Meridian, Joystik and Landylass


Dize5 we are ok, just popped into a friends who has been so supportive of us for a coffee and to give her a present. Josh is very tired, he didnt sleep well, first thing he told me about was his grotty night and how he was so itchy. No rash so I dunno where that came from??? Cass didnt want to go to school today - Just wanted to stay with mum. Once she got on the bus she looked ok, I hate what this ferken disease has done to my family too. Some days I just want my life back!! Tis a day to feel like this huh? Love to you for your support

paulaxx (78 )    1:16 pm, 7 Aug




Hi Kiwikaz


He is ok, but his physical weakness is becoming more obvious. He is so grumpy as well. I cant get him to do more than he is. How is everyone at your place??? Whoops forgot to say to you Joystik thanks for the banana skin theory - will give it a try - the stuff I am putting on is sure doing something though. Thanks

paulaxx (78 )    1:18 pm, 7 Aug




meridian 1


hi thats no good havin the bugs had them last week too. hope your resting up so you can get rid of them. :) your miss 10 sounds like mine!

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:19 pm, 7 Aug






The coughing is so annoying isnt it? Hope you can rest up and shake the bugs fast as xo

paulaxx (78 )    1:20 pm, 7 Aug






hugs to you and josh. i know how you feel some days it has a ripple effect through the whole family. i see josh has vincristine in his chemo my hubby had that one too. i feel like that too with miss 5 sometimes not being able to be there for her all the time. thank goodness miss 10 is such a wee mother hen too.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:23 pm, 7 Aug






Yes the Vincristine makes Josh's legs so heavy and he gets body aches, sore jaw, headaches all sort. His skin gets tender. So no cuddles. Not good, does your husband feel like that? Isnt is incredible how the wee ones look after each other. YAY for this thread!!!! Thanks kiwikaz

paulaxx (78 )    1:29 pm, 7 Aug




Awww Paula :o/


Sorry to hear Josh had a bad night. Hope he's coping OK today, aches must be setting in now? I can understand your frustration at what all this is doing to your family, I can so relate... Its different of course, but I think the effects on the kids are similar in some ways. Things between Brent and me aren't the way they were either - that really bums me, for him and me. We're doing fine, its just not as fun, y'know? Lydia's in major complementing Mummy mode LOL :o) At brunch yesterday in front of everyone she kept going on and on "See this puppet mum made for me? Isn't she clever?!" "Your earrings are really pretty mummy, and I love your bracelet, I like all mums clothes, don't you Nanna?" etc etc etc etc! It was soo cute but also kinda embarrassing LOL! Apparently at school on Friday she had a debate with her friend as to who has the best Mom, and each held their ground, soooo cute :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:31 pm, 7 Aug






Anyway, I think its cos she picks up the vibes and wants to make me happy etc, even though I'm always smiling with them. She could be psychic I reckon ;o) I feel for Cass, please give her a hug from me - I think she's a champ :o) xoxoxox

soniat-d (153 )    1:32 pm, 7 Aug




I thought that was so sweet Kiwikaz


What your miss 10 did this morning! I can see Lydia doing that down the line, she's a real wee mum too :o) Hope your day's going OK xoxox

soniat-d (153 )    1:33 pm, 7 Aug




Paula, so sorry Josh is not so happy just now.....


I hate what this disease has done to my family too. But like Sonia, for me its in a much different kind of way to yours. It certainly does alter stuff around the place. I just feel so much for these kids though, and again in a different way to fellow adult fighters! We will win - it just takes more time than we want to allow. I think it was Janet with the banana skin tip Paula.....I would be far too busy going out and buzzing round to even know what a verruca is, if you know what I mean. Love and hugs to you guys....

joystik (285 )    1:37 pm, 7 Aug






bless her thats cute too. i think they always seem to know on there radar when we are down and need some medicine. :) yep it sure does effect them i am so proud of my 3 and how they are handling it all. good to hear you got in this week before you go away thats good then you can get all set for your holiday :) paula yep thats all sounding familiar, i found it hard to watch as my partner went through it but be so much worse being your baby gee i wish there was a magic wand.

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:38 pm, 7 Aug






AWWW Dear Lydia.She sounds so loving and sensitive. It must be so hard for her, I do understand even though our situations are different they are strongly similar too. I know what you mean about relationships, it does change them. Thanks for the understanding hun, thinking of you all the time. Give your girls a hug for me too, I think they too are amazing.

paulaxx (78 )    1:39 pm, 7 Aug




My surgeon hasn't called me yet


the slacker! I've been thinking maybe I should get the CA153 test as well, will ask oncologist when he calls back. OK so the CT will answer the liver and ovaries questionmark as well, so its an important scan! Best we can hope for (other than that I'm a paranoid idiot and all is fine LOL) is that its the same lumps only that are growing, that there are no new ones, and that the liver and ovaries are clear / no longer suspicious, and that my CA153 shows no change. If all that's the case, I'm going to push hard for the brachytherapy option on the dastardly lumps, and have them go with the assumption that the cancer bugs are still there and nuke away with whatever they think is best, as well. Thats my thinking at this stage. I'm pretty sure surgery and radiation are no longer options... I'm feeling better now, calm and collected. Thanks all for thinking of me - was just an emotional morning - better out than in! ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:40 pm, 7 Aug




Sonia, your Lydia is a wee darling too. They


take on board so much more than you realise lots of times. Hope you can get your appointments over and sorted before you leave. I'm off to post your wee pillow off now, so you get it before you go away in case you need it. We had a nice morning with the neighbours friend. Shes such a lovely caring person but her run of bad luck just lately has been incredible. Her family aren't over supportive either. I took her a wee gift and we had a nice morning, and left her feeling happy on her birthday. Nice to do that for someone....((((HUGS)))) for you Sonia....thinking of you lots too....

joystik (285 )    1:41 pm, 7 Aug




Thanks Joystik


you were right, whoops thanks Janet for the nana skin remedy. Will remember that and use it if this stuff takes too long. Thinking of you and your boys constantly. xo

paulaxx (78 )    1:42 pm, 7 Aug




Hi Joystick :o)


Hey you honey, thanks so much for the surprise parcel for the girls this morning! That made my day! How sweet of you! Emily opened hers and we've played with it already! She loves the easter bunny ;o) Thanks so much, and for the pillow, you're an angel :o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:43 pm, 7 Aug






I truley thought Joystik was sending you a canoe lol xoxo NZ Post would love her. Winks at Joystik ;o) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

paulaxx (78 )    1:45 pm, 7 Aug




Hi Bogeyi,hows Ryan now?? Hope he's managed to


get some sleep during the morning. He's such a wee trouper and you too for that matter. Just think about you guys all the time, and hope all is good for you. Did Ryan get a box I sent up yet? Sent to the PO BOx, and just wondered if it arrived? See you again soon. Must go and post Sonia a wee pillow......((((HUGS)))) and take care of each other....

joystik (285 )    1:45 pm, 7 Aug




Sonia, we almost need the canoe today!!....


No just kidding the rain has stopped now so I'm away on the mountain bike to post your parcel. Have to put my big jacket on....its not that tropical, is it Paula?? Are you getting any snow round your place today?? It is forecast to 300m again. What about you Kiwikaz?? Are you right in Invercargill or out a bit??

joystik (285 )    1:48 pm, 7 Aug




Oh no Joystik


Hope that rain doesn't come up here too! We've had enough! It rained ALL yesterday, and into the night too, there'll be no walking to school this week!

soniat-d (153 )    1:50 pm, 7 Aug




Ha ha Just realised I posted


on my birthyear LOL getting up to 2000... ;o)

soniat-d (153 )    1:51 pm, 7 Aug




Hey Paula, NZ POST juse love me anyway!!


I always get a good deal from them when it comes to postage. They are so inclined to be on the 'take' when it comes to postal charges, and always want to charge you into the next price bracket if its marginal. I can be assertive when I feel the urge!! I even had to go into 'bat' for an old lady trying to buy I 45c stamp that they charged her 50c for, because they said they were no longer using 5cents. But they are still legal tender til October, so if they weren't giving change then they needed to give her another 5 c stamp!! GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr........Vent over!!

joystik (285 )    1:52 pm, 7 Aug




Am I


gonna get my birth year. Yes Joystik its freezing - no snow yet though. Hope the cows cross their legs lol

paulaxx (78 )    1:53 pm, 7 Aug




Your're just a young chicky Sonia!!.......


and you too Paula.......

joystik (285 )    1:53 pm, 7 Aug




Mines long gone.......well still this page, but


back a few messages!

joystik (285 )    1:54 pm, 7 Aug






good year that 1969!

kiwikaz3 (10 )    1:55 pm, 7 Aug




Missed by a year


Go Joystik - Good on you. I have 8 new items due in the mail anyday now from one of my fav traders. Stocking up for the spring lol You know who they are dont you Heather, cos you went in to the shop. I never asked did you buy much?

paulaxx (78 )    1:55 pm, 7 Aug




I did Paula...too much, and nothing to show


for it all except possibly tighter clothing!! Off for a bike ride. Its clearing here now and the sun is almost out again....YAY for southland!!

joystik (285 )    1:58 pm, 7 Aug




Have fun Joystik


Think you are amazing!!! Enjoy your ride. Brrrr just the thought of it. Take care xo

paulaxx (78 )    1:59 pm, 7 Aug




You should go there Paula, there is so much stuff


crammed into that little shop. You would spend heaps of time and probably plenty of $$$$ too.....The kids would love it. Go for a sunday drive one weekend, cos they are open on the weekends too.....

joystik (285 )    2:00 pm, 7 Aug




No no Kiwikaz


1968 ;o) Think they landed on the moon that year? I should know that shouldn't I?! LOL

soniat-d (153 )    2:01 pm, 7 Aug




Oh Paula, and then come through Otautau and I will


make you a coffee and some hot pikelets, and then you can go on home the long way round.......just for a change of scenery...Good Idea????

joystik (285 )    2:02 pm, 7 Aug




Hey Joystik was that a super-quick bike ride


or have you not gone yet? LOL Em wasn't keen on a sleep today so she's lying down watching the Disney channel. Eeek?! What have I started?! LOL

soniat-d (153 )    2:03 pm, 7 Aug




My Grandad died that year.....just waited til he


had seen the men walking on the moon with his own eyes, and then slipped away. He had the dreaded lurgy too. It seem like a long time ago now.....but its not really that long at all.........

joystik (285 )    2:04 pm, 7 Aug






Fab idea!!! Might have to be after those calfies are all out now though - darn it as things on the farm are hotting up. Chris may not get time off now till after xmas??? :op Mind you I could always bring the kidlets on my own??? Will work on this idea. xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxooxox

paulaxx (78 )    2:05 pm, 7 Aug




No Sonia, I'm still here, but I have addressed the


the parcel, and now I'm seriously going....See you again soon. Just had to wait for the sun which is lovely now too.

joystik (285 )    2:06 pm, 7 Aug




Sorry Joystik!


Sounds like I'm pushing you LOL, sorry, no thats not what I was doing! Really appreciate it :o) Enjoy your bikeride ;o) The suns breaking through here now - yay!

soniat-d (153 )    2:07 pm, 7 Aug






I thought at first joystik was sending you a canoe too!!!! Almost need one here in Hamilton. Had another inch of rain last night.

dize5 (490 )    2:09 pm, 7 Aug




I never get to see the news these days


but I hate to think how much rain we got here yesterday - the rivers down from us overflowed majorly across the park - wonder how many inches that equates to?

soniat-d (153 )    2:12 pm, 7 Aug




Ok Everyone's busy


hope all is going OK. I'm off to collect Lydia soon, and pretty sure we're going round to a friends house this afternoon so the girls can play. That was the plan anyway ;o) I'm feeling fine now, so hopefully I'll be a pleasant visitor :o)

soniat-d (153 )    2:35 pm, 7 Aug






Have a great afternoon. I am sure you'll be a very welcome visitor. Take care xo

paulaxx (78 )    2:55 pm, 7 Aug




It has taken me a while too catch


up on all my friends and how sad I feel now. My heart goes out to you sonia who can blame you for having a rant and rave I think you have been extraordinary brave up till now. You have been amazing with your little girls and it's obvious they know they have a good mum. Please keep that sword held high, god bless and gentle hugs to you love.

boop2 (109 )    3:06 pm, 7 Aug




Ryan is looking much better


hes not green anymore...he managed to have a few mouthfuls of chocolate dairy food (first food in about 12 days) they have given another reflux drug and a new anti nausea to see if it helps. Hes very weak with not eating he has lost over 2.5kg.

bogeyi (484 )    3:08 pm, 7 Aug




bogey I can't begin to imagine just


what you and your family are going through and that precious little Ryan he makes you feel so humble being so brave. Please give him a soft hug from me and to you bogey a huge one. LOve Betxxxxxxxxx

boop2 (109 )    3:09 pm, 7 Aug




Paula i know what you are saying


about it suxs what it does to your family, we lead different lives at the moment and I miss my tyler hes my cuddly one, kirstys head strong and moody (typical girl) but miss her goofy side. When they come up I go to the room in the ward to sit with them but am back and forwards to Ryan as well so they dont have my full attention....bloody hard juggling life like this..

bogeyi (484 )    3:11 pm, 7 Aug




hi paula


you are having more than your share too. Joshi is in my thoughts a lot along with wee cassie it is so hard on families to deal with. My heart aches for you all, god bless

boop2 (109 )    3:11 pm, 7 Aug




Hi janet


so pleased you had a good day and the boys are okay at the moment. It is wet here today so taking it easy and being lazy.Hugs

boop2 (109 )    3:13 pm, 7 Aug




meridian your kids are cute


just love that spiked up look. Do you have to get gell especially for the wee bloke? Hope you are having a nice day.

boop2 (109 )    3:15 pm, 7 Aug




hi landylass


I totally agree on the ironing I only do what is necessary and to hell with the rest. The massage sounds wonderful I hope it eases your pain. Take care.

boop2 (109 )    3:18 pm, 7 Aug




hi boop


how are you today....thanks for the hug

bogeyi (484 )    3:18 pm, 7 Aug




i hope one of our group


gets the 2000

bogeyi (484 )    3:19 pm, 7 Aug







bogeyi (484 )    3:20 pm, 7 Aug